Day 1,324, 17:11 Published in USA USA by Aeroner

Sup America. I'm back. And not like, 'yeah-I'll-be-right-back-with-the-check' back, this is for srs.

I used for srs, so you know I am.

You probably don't know me, in fact, I'm almost sure most of you don't know me. But that's going to change.

Cold, hard change.

When I was here back in, uh, I don't know what month, but that's OK, because it's not important to the story.

Anyways, when I was here back in whenever, I had a fun time, but by the end of the 'counter-revolution' against old Frosty, I was just like...

So I went back to eIsrael. We had some laughs, some good nights. And eIsrael is kinda like my eHome, but I realized that there was so much more opportunities in old Emericka, so I made the trek back here, but before I did that, I realized something...

You'z be gettin' raped. Err, I'm sorry, loved tenderly.

At least I thought so, until you opened a can of whoopass. Even after getting conquered you kept it strong, and I admire that.

So now I'm here, and I got my rape whistle ready. Time to kick some ass, bros.

Your humble servant, but not THAT kind of servant you perverted sickos,