AW shut your mouth

Day 509, 12:51 Published in Australia South Korea by Comrade Robb

Name says it all. No I'm not fussed about you getting banned or being racist blah blah blah i got better things to do with my time.

Now What i am fussed with is you launching an attack on Br0adside with quotes from like 5 months ago. Whats the piont. Your just pissed you got temp banned and now just venting on everyone. Your attempts at agression and blackmail and trying to make people leave the game forever is just bullshit.
Br0adside is an experianced age old Aussie and your EPIC FAIL smear attacks are just making me think less and less of you.

Now stop trying to blackmail people all over the place and go away. I'll gladly buy you a ticket to transport you to like China or somewhere where they need people like you to do what you do best. stayign shut up and fighting.