Day 903, 08:52 Published in Poland Greece by I am not dSoKre


You always wanted to have some cool, sexy, unique avatar but never knew how to make one.
Agrammon is here. He was sent by Gods to make your life more pleasurable. I know the time is hard and there is not enough money but low price of 0,5 gold for simple and 1 gold for more complex avatar I think it's a fair cost.

I want avatar?

If you are the one who is asking yourself this question then this is what you will do:

You will send me private message containing following:

1. Short explanation what you want (I want that coat of arms, I want rabbit in it, maybe flag of certain country, etc.)
2. If you have some stock, render or something that you want me to use while making your avatar, put your link to uploaded material in that questionnaire.
3. If there is something that you really don't want to see in it, state your mind here.
4. Inions (says it all, what you want to be written in your avatar if there is such a request, and if you have some special desire about the font for that inion, speak now or be silent to the end of times).
5. Everything else.

After I receive your order I will get to work. I will notify you when everything is finished then you will make your payment at my account. After that I will sent you link to the picture.

This is just an example of avatars and my skill (I know how to use vectors – angel wings, I have painting skill – skull, usage of render – shield, photo manipulation, etc. I know it all).

I'm happy to do business with you.

If I receive to many requests I will inform you.

Agrammon, graphic nomad.

Sorry for my bad english.
