Austrian Central Bank - September 2011 Report

Day 1,414, 12:02 Published in Austria Austria by erdoni

Another political month is about to end so I'd like to introduce you money movements took place in Austrian Central Bank in this month. According to transparency principle in eAustria (does it really exist? 😛), such reports are cool.

Not that kind of transparency... but that's cool too yes..

So, in the beginning of the term Central Bank had,

Gold 117,19
ATS: 80046,23
HUF: 19870,27
BRL: 79,90
PKR: 68,34

Then these donations had been made by congress from the country treasury,

Gold 53
ATS 66000
HRK 398
SIT 292
SKK 287
ATS 32500

And after selling foreign currencies (except HUF) and investing our gold on monetary market,

Gold 278,33
ATS 178549,91
HUF: 19870,27

That shows investments on monetary market brought some more than 100 gold profit, which is really not bad😁

Finally, after CP elections it seems like I'll stay in Ministry of Finances but it's not obvious yet if I'll be minister or vice minister. Good luck to both candidates, I hope it'll be fair and exciting race as in the last month.

And speacial thanks to Gazonkfoo for his great help. 😉

Minister of Finances,