Austrian Central Bank

Day 711, 16:35 Published in Austria Austria by rjeddings

A couple of days ago after Dish resigned from the MOF position, Rangeley asked me if I would help oversee the Austrian Central Bank for the last week of his term.

Today after seeing much of the offers for gold on the monetary market cleaned out, I acted in the capacity of MOF and added an offer to the market to ensure our currency did not depreciate rapidly. Some have questioned that action.

I have been the most vocal proponent for transparency at the ACB. However, in my mind that transparency extends to moneys entering or leaving the ACB. Not necessarily moving gold from the ACB's left hand to its right hand.

There was no ill intent and nothing has happened that is a detriment to our great country. I am sorry for the misunderstanding. Feel free to ask any questions or leave a critique if you prefer.