Austria should join the Entente

Day 811, 05:28 Published in Austria USA by stancel


The motion to join the Entente passed Congress in December when the alliance was being formed, 11 votes Yes, 2 votes No.

One of those Yes votes was the President of the time, Rangeley. Another of those Yes votes was our current President, Borojevic von Bonjar.

This is the last time I will ask, but seriously, this is ridiculous. How could there be any more of a consensus? It's all right to say that we support France, but allying with them is too controversial? The Entente is an independent defensive alliance. It's an alliance that can bring all of Austria together. Joining EDEN or Phoenix would be too divisive.

I understand that Austria is not a country where you can expect much to be done. Almost nothing was done under Alfred. He promised a new Constitution, which wasn't really needed, but didn't even deliver on that.

Join the Entente - or hold a new vote on it.