Australian Warlord, a Profile

Day 498, 17:45 Published in Australia Australia by FallbackPants

Few Australians receive the notoriety of Australian Warlord. He has been called many things, terrorist, fanatic, threat to the peace, but fundamentally he wants what we all want, freedom for eAustralian territories.

“[Suppose] You have a building representing eAustralia. The current eAustralian government stands outside building, points to the flag & sign and claims that we own it. Then they can [go] inside, ignore the cemented walls preventing access to most of the building, walks into the office & is on their hands & knees.”

This is how AW sees the government. A weak administration never fully in control of their own country, groveling for every scrap of autonomy they can get. An analogy not without merit; eAustralia’s very independence relies upon eIndonesia’s continued generosity.

This is essentially the crux of AW’s beliefs. “[The] Trouble is that eIndonesia hasn't actually agreed to full political & territorial independence for eAustralia. And there's no reason for eIndonesia to agree unless there's a alternative that eIndonesia doesn't want to occur.” AW said.

He does not see the return of eAustralian lands as something that is in the continued best interest of eIndonesia. A change of government or of change in the international landscape and eAustralia is no longer a friend of eIndonesia, but a soft easy target.

In response AW has decided force is the only means necessary to return eAustralia to the eAustralian people, and has established the ‘Australian Legion’ in order to do this.

“Currently Australian Legion is a org to help Australians & Kiwis to fight in eRomania, both to gain combat experience, but also to put pressure on eIndonesia to grant full independence.” He said. “Technically there's no membership. But we have a backlog of people to help & have more people coming to us each day.”

The Legion has been fighting against eIndonesia, in an effort to become an influential military organisation, something that he accepts is still a way off happening.

“I've been fighting in eRomania with other Australians & New Zealanders. Obviously not yet able to actually influence battles however I've personally gained several military ranks & increased combat capabilities.”

Australian Warlord does not see resistance wars as a useful strategy at the moment, preferring to adhere to the logic that ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’.

“Currently a resistence[sic] war in occupied territories is a waste of time. So currently i[t]s a matter of fighting for freedom via eRomania.

“The future depends on whether we actually gain our freedom. If we do, then there's no need to comtinue[sic] fighting.”

In eAustralia, name fly thick and fast regarding AW. This journalist has been guilty of accusing AW of terrorism in the past. This is a label he, unsurprisingly, disputes:

“Do you consider the French Resistance to have been terrorists in WW2? That's what they were called. The French Resistence[sic] were declared terrorists by the puppet government just as I am here. The goals are exactly the same as th[e] French Resistence[sic] was in WW2, freedom of the nation.”