Australian Resistance

Day 446, 02:50 Published in Australia Australia by FallbackPants

With a great influx of new citizens to eAustralia, there have come increased calls for active campaigning against Indonesia in occupied areas of Australia.

What is perhaps unknown by these new eAustralians is that such action is more dangerous to the survival of their country than they imagine.

Indonesia is one of the most dominant countries in the New World. They control territories across the Southern Hemisphere. During the Indonesian-Australian War they single handedly defeated the ATLANTIS alliance. This is not a state to be trifled with.

Similarly Australia's only border, as long as New Zealand remains uninhabited, is with Indonesia. They are the only threat we have.

Finally, and most politically important, the Agreement for the Independence of Australia (available here) States that, according to Section B Article 3: "iii. Australia will defend Indonesia in the case of a Fight For Freedom (FFF) in Indonesian held Australian territories."

This clearly means that any attempt to start a Resistance War in Occupied Australia will result in not only Indonesian but also Australian opposition.

Talk of resistance throughout Occupied Australia threatens to halt and even reverse the gains we have been making to regaining our country. Political action is the only legitimate option. Keep the peace and allow the slow reclamation of territories to occur via the treaty.