Australian New Ideas Recruiting for the next elections

Day 787, 00:27 Published in Australia Australia by Australian New Ideas
Australian New Ideas Official Newspaper


Greetings Australia, Australian New Ideas (ANI) is a new party that is going to change the way we interact with our government.


Simple, we are going to put the power with the people,

Did you like having your say on whether we join Eden? how about having the chance to have your say on all issues?

That is what we do, and it works.
It works because everyone is involved, so everyone has the incentive to contribute.

Many senators do a great job, but the senate is also full of its share of two clickers and members that don't get involved. That is what is so good about our form of (participatory) democracy, if people don't want to vote, they don't have to but they also won't get what they want. This way there is an incentive for every single Australian citizen to be active.

More then anything we are about trying something new, and seeing what happens, we do not pretend to have all the answers.

Check out our forums:

and most importantly have your say...