Australian Legion : Introduction

Day 485, 05:50 Published in USA Ukraine by Australian Warlord
A King who's soul & spirit is controlled by someone else is more imprisoned than the man locked up in the tower.

There's a (allegedly) true story about a famous 80's singer who made a pact to sell his soul so that he could become a famous singer. Let me ask you something, with his soul sold what does he own? The answer is nothing. Everything & every achievement is owned by the owner of his soul. He's owned by someone else & as such, anything that he has is owned by someone else.

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In eAustralia, we're told that our soul belongs to eIndonesia. We're told that we must comply & appease eIndonesia. Then they claim to be our friends.

Simple facts.
* Friends wouldn't make demands of appeasement.
* When your actions are controlled by another eNation, you're under occupation.

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The eAustralian administration says that we all have only two choices, either appease eIndonesia or fight. Personally I believe that there's a third option but we ain't given that option.

Every eAustralian citizen therefore has a choice. Either to accept appeasement and have your soul & spirit owned by eIndonesia or travel abroad to fight. By travelling & fighting, not only are you proclaiming that you're a free person, you also become stronger.

The Australian Legion is primarily to promote those eAustralian citizens who've travelled overseas to proclaim their freedom of spirit & to fight for that freedom.

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The Australian Legion has two goals. Firstly is that all eAustralian territories are freed from eforeign control but more importantly that the eAustralian Government is free from eforeign control.

May not only all eAustralian territories be under our control but also that no other eNation are able to dictate their will upon us.

When your soul is under the control of another power, nothing owned under your name is actually yours.