Australian eHeroes .........Part 3 Ranger Bob

Day 1,084, 01:09 Published in Australia Australia by Super Christopher

Time for another Aussie eHero Ranger Bob

Quick facts
Name: Ranger Bob
Level: 24
Rank: Commander***

The interview

How did you come up with your username?
Well I've always called myself "Ranger" on games. Unfortunately Ranger was taken by an eIndo (ironic, I know!) so, I added the Bob. Then people started calling me Bob on IRC for a while (LOL!)

Why did you start player erepublik?
I saw an ad and clicked on it, as it sounded interesting. I probably would have left if I hadn't cottoned on to the IRC and the great peeps there!

Who was your eHero when you were a noob?
Cottus Arci. He was an awesome player, and pretty much ran the forums of the day. And, he was Hard Copy Awesomeness

Your best moment while playing Erepublik life?
For me, it was coordinating the take back of South Australia with srg91 and Ezekiel. Watching that wall fall, and taking a part in that, when the eIndo government was looking the "other way" at their own forces fighting in it, was outstanding.

The thing which you think is your biggest contribution to eAustralia?
Don't know if I contributed as much as others - I just tried to be reasonable and help where I could.

Best moment for eAustralia if history?
When IRC broke out in elation at eAus being totally eAus again.

Any advice for new players?
This is a game with real people. Connect with real people, talk with them, ask dumb questions, ask good questions, but become involved. The joy of this game is you can be involved as much or as little as you want to be. And, you WILL make some good friends!

What’s your current take on eAustralia?
We need to remember we are a community. Sure, the current leaders that get elected are doing stuff - but we need people to inspire us and make us want to stay and care about our country. While some have got this - we need more. MOAR!

Can you see yourself becoming a major player again anytime soon?
Well, I'm a Senator this month. I don't think as an oldie it is a good idea to move backwards by bringing my more "antiquated" views back - but I'll always be around and will contribute where I can.

Thanks Bob 😛

In other news it seems everyone has lost their work day leading to 100001 shouts over it making me lol.
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