Australian eHeroes .........Part 2 patti11

Day 1,080, 20:30 Published in Australia Australia by Super Christopher

With just 3 and a half hours before CP elections who better to run an article about then three time CP patti11.

Quick facts
Name: patti11
Level: 25
Rank: Veteran Tank
The interview

How did you come up with your username?
RL nickname, coupled with favourite number.

Why did you start player erepublik?

Over 2 years ago, when Australia was under Indonesian rule. I started in United Kingdom and met a bunch of other Aussies, who lead me to the Australian underground resistance group. We got New South Wales back, slowly the other states, and the rest is history.

Who was your eHero when you were a noob?
Zaney for sure. The leader of the resistance group and the most humble player ever. He ever wanted to be the Prime Minister of the new Australia and only accepted because he was the only Australian the Indonesian's respected and trusted his word. Admired by all.

Your best moment while playing Erepublik life?
A tie between a personal achievement and a country achievement, that being, my first win as Prime Minister over the amazing corny-ratbag in an election that went down to the wire and winning Western Australia over Indonesia in the last days of my 3rd term with a, to put it bluntly, a sexy blindside on the Indonesians.

The thing which you think is your biggest contribution to eAustralia?

The AIRRA treaty (, which stipulated the terms and conditions of our regions being returned voluntarily by a much stronger, world power at the time, Indonesia.

Best moment for eAustralia if history?

Regaining our country back in V1. Morale was unbelievably high and everyone was motivated to fulfill the common goal of rebuilding our country.

Any advice for new players?

While war is fun, getting involved in politics is probably what will keep you around in this game. Do your research, join a party whose views align with yours, and have the goal to get into the hot seat and control the country!

What’s your current take on eAustralia?

Great potential after regaining full political control after months of Indonesian PTO, but must be careful and make the right decisions to not end up in the situation that lead to the Indonesian takeover.

Can you see yourself becoming a major player again anytime soon?

Potentially, I am not done with eRepublik yet

Thanks patti11 for taking part in my interview.
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