Australian Airlines News

Day 465, 04:13 Published in Australia Australia by scotywest

My moving company Australian Airlines has been suppling to Australia with moving tickets for a while now and we have just gone over the $1,800 mark!! 😃 LINK

I would like to thank all my workers and my buyers, i have been working hard for my company, focusing mostly on my company and leaving politics out of the picture for a little while now.
I would also like to thank corny he is awesome!! i love the GM records, i wouldn't have this business up and running so well with out it..

I did get into congress last term and put up some proposals to go through the senate to help out our Australian companies, with the 99% moving tax (stop them evil importers) and moving the import tax for oil down to 5% so we could gather up some cheap oil.

Keep Buying from Australian Airlines my prices will always be the lowest on the market!!

scotywest aka Scott Mitchell


Br0ad is awesome (he told me to say it)