Australia, the time has come.

Day 837, 20:25 Published in Australia Australia by Spazicus

Now is our time. Do we stand by as our allies are brought down by treachery while they should still be celebrating their liberation?

eSouth Africa was on the brink of regaining their rightful territories. We helped our friends, we fought hard and bled alongside them, do we let our victories count for naught? Will we stand by as the Phoenix vulture tears apart the homeland of our brothers and sisters in arms?

I say no.

I say now is the time when we must push. We must show the eWorld what eAustralians are made of. We can be loyal, trustworthy allies with strength and courage of heart that is immeasurable. We must lift our banners high; declare war and march on eArgentinean held eSouth Africa. We must liberate our oppressed brothers.

Foreign investors are already flooding our markets with cheap weapons; the world holds its breath and awaits our decision. Do we make South Africa a new world battleground, do we strike while we have the chance and free our allies or do we allow another travesty and tragedy to befall our allies? We have fought side by side with the eSouth Africans in all the major world conflicts in recent memory, will we abandon them now when they most need us?

Australians, move yourselves to Western Australia, prepare for the war ahead and know that you are fighting a right and just fight.