Australia, Brazil and South Africa

Day 1,643, 02:56 Published in South Africa South Africa by mulderpf

The last few days were confusing to say the least. Orders kept changing every few hours and mass confusion reigned.

I apologise for this.

We have been working on a strategy as there are some events happening which may cause some regional instability and we need to do everything to prevent this.

As it goes, strategies change all the time and some are also better thought through than others. Trying to change direction with an entire country behind you is no easy feat, but at times it has to be done.

Returning KZN to Brazil

At the moment, the return of Kwazulu-Natal to Brazil is on hold. Opening any sort of war with Brazil at the moment, may mean that more regions are taken than intended in which case we cannot guarantee the safety of our own congress elections.

End of Australian TW

We have started proceedings to end the Australian TW. This was in anticipation of returning KZN to Brazil, but this will probably not happen for another week.

As you may have noticed, Australia's holding two of our regions and also holding two citizens hostage: Vanessa1309 and baglamas. We have agreed with Australia holding our regions, however, Vanessa1309 and baglamas are not going anywhere!

The regions are however our only two weapons bonus regions and unfortunately it was not planned this way. I understand that people are upset about this and want Australia to rather hold other regions, but there won't be enough time to swap them out. This is not a permanent hold on our regions and I am looking at ways of mitigating these losses for you, but honestly, this is not our first priority at the moment. I will do my best to minimise the impact, because we are all affected.

As I cannot give out all the intricate details here, because there are always those who try and derail our plans, you may not necessarily know all the reasons for doing this. Therefore, please do not take this into your own hands and make decisions to take back regions simply because you don't believe it is in our best interest.

For now, all I can say, is follow the shouts of cabinet and if you are not sure, ask!! I've been online through most of this and I really don't mind giving people the right information. My only other piece of advice I can offer is to ask you to allow for change - prioirities change, strategies change, so orders may also change. It's going to happen!

This also makes it a little bit more interesting for those RW hunters out there. I've had a few angry PM's from people who thought that it was a given that we were to win certain RW's - well, it's not. Follow the shouts of cabinet to find out which RW's should be won.

If you are unsure of anything, please feel free to PM me, I'm more than happy to help.

Kind regards

President of eSouth Africa