Australia and Indonesia: Friends

Day 492, 23:27 Published in Indonesia United Kingdom by taytaz

During the past few weeks, the new world (erepublik) has seen many new citizens grace the shores of every country. New players are a blessing, they add life to the game, they remind the old players why the game is fun, and they allow new possibilities to be explored. Unfortunately, many players that have recently arrived in eRepublik are not educated as to the state of affairs.

In these past few weeks, a few very loud Australian citizens, headed by Australian Warlord, have been complaining about Indonesia, saying they 'interfere' and oppress Australia. Let it be known that most Australians understand the kindness of Indonesia and respect that, and that because of that, we should all ignore this bunch of new players that are still learning about eRepublik.

Nearly all Australians know how generous Indonesia are, giving land back, 10 000AUD donation, great friendship, no demands of us except compensation. Indonesia has given back Australian territories FREE (xD) and most Australians recognise this.

Australia and Indonesia are friends, and will stay friends forever.
Long Live Australia
Long Live Indonesia
Peace in our time!!!!!

also, beat the Romanian imperialists for me 😛