Aussies get their Pens out for Exams.

Day 331, 01:11 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Tecchi

"Tommorrow marks the unofficial beginning of the NSW Higher School Certificate (HSC) exams and many Aussies have their heads buried in their books. Tecchi, Editor of The Hellfish Chronicle reports:"
I write this, during my study break from my various English poems and related texts, to inform everyone why many aussies have gone into hiding these past few days. That's right, exam fever has swept NSW with English beginning tomorrow morning.
The exam consists of three sections under the Area of Study "Journeys", Students must explore one of the three tiers of Journeys; Imaginative, Inner and Physical and answer various comprehension questions, compose a creative writing on provided Stimulus and write an extended response (hopefully in essay form.. fingers crossed they dont throw some stupid text type at us).
Unfortunately (for me), the English exams do not mark the official beginning of HSC exams (which they have done in previous years). The official beginning was, in fact, today as thousands of students (including myself) sat the Business Studies exam and lemme tell ya, it was no walk in the park. Hopefully the first English paper tomorrow will be more forgiving. (See? I got a bit of experience when dealing with business.. Any offers? lol)
I wish best of luck to Tim09, Taytaz (I think?), and other New South Welshmen/women in their exam tomorrow. However some students (like myself) dont need such "luck" ... Just Kidding!