ATTN: Korea - Political takeovers everywhere

Day 480, 11:32 Published in South Korea United Kingdom by mr. brodie

In case many of you didn't know, there are multiple takeovers planned this month. Me and Alfagrem are the only ones to really notice (mainly him, although I know about another takeover - regarding a fellow Korean putting up a Romanian/English candidate).

There are 5 parties in this country. Mine and Francis' *should* be secure. That leaves 3 other hot spots.

The KAP - which has Aaron and a Turkish citizen running.

The SGC - which has Yonai, a Italian and what I suspect to be a Romanian.

This leaves the most vulnerable party of all - The Social Democrats. It's only got 8 members, and 3 of these are candidates, 3 others are inactive. We have Alfagrem, an Indonesian and a Spanish guy running.

There's not a lot we can do, other than pull together. We have to fight about 5 different countries for our nation.

We have to vote strategically - saving votes until we can work out where they'll be most effective. We need to spread the votes as well as possible too save as many parties as possible.

I ask the KSDP (as the 2nd largest party) to withdraw one candidate so we don't have a voting war over two Koreans. This isn't about your party anymore, this is about the country. If you cared, you'd do this for the people, not yourselves. It's not only your votes that are lost, but all those that vote for you.

I strongly recommend that my party members don't vote for me (unless another candidate comes forward), and you move to another, less populated party to vote for a Korean leader - don't forget to join back after wards though.

Tomorrow, Korea. We do battle.
There are many enemies that we'll have to face over the next couple of weeks, these are to name a few:

Surely people have better things to do that takeover a country. Especially one of the smallest out there. If you're planning to, do it legibility at least. Not just by getting fellow country members to join. It's just a medal you're fighting for at the end of the day. Unlike real citizens, who want to better this nation. We've been struck hard before, and now we have to unite, to stop it happening again. This country was slowly rebuilding, we can't lose this.

It's time for us to pull together! This isn't about personal glory. This is about Korea. Join with me, and fight.