Attention Gold Party Members and New players

Day 782, 12:41 Published in South Africa Sweden by Ari Lumumba

I'm happy to announce the re-opening of my weapons company "African Unity Weaponry" and would like to once again offer equal work to pay wages for all Gold Party Members. This means you make all of what you create

Step 1. Be a Gold Party member

If you are not already, now is a great time to join the largest political party in eSA. Here you will have access to the best economic minds in the country and friendly advice on all aspects of the game.

Step 2. Apply to AUW

Just apply to any of the jobs available at this company

And I will augment your salary to pay you exactly what the weapons sell for, minus the cost of the materials. This means you will make more here than any other q1 weapons company.

Step 3. Make Money

Every couple days I will change the salary to account for your increased skill so you are always making more money each time you log. Many other companies will pay you the same wage if your skill is 4 or 4.999999

Thanks for your time and remember to support Hamilton Moore in the PP elections.

-Ari Lumumba