Attention citizens of Halifax. I need your assistance

Day 303, 13:28 Published in Canada Canada by emilio sanchez
Hello fellow citizens of Halifax.

I am Emilio Sanchez, and I am asking you to help me out. We have a decision to make as for a hospital. As I mentioned in a previous article, I am working on getting a hospital of quality 1 to Halifax. I have sent request after request for a grant to help pay for one, but have been turned down.

Now, the city treasury has enough CAD to pay for one, but it will take most of the CAD in the treasury (I will also be using whats left of my CAD to help)

The cost of a Q1 hospital is 500 CAD. There is 567.66 CAD in the treasury. So I will need at least 490 CAD of this. But I want to ask you the citizens if you'd like a hospital and would approve of this or not.

With the position of mayor being removed and the city treasury probably also being removed, we might as well spend some of the CAD that is stored up in the treasury before it is gone.

If you approve or disapprove, just post it here or send me a PM. I will also send PM's to citizens to get as many responses as possible. When I feel that I have enough responses I will let you know what will take place.

-Emilio Sanchez
Mayor of the great city of Halifax

My run for mayor

Don't forget to vote for me at the next elections. Here's my announcement: [a url=]Run for mayor[/a]

Thank you for reading and have a great day.