Attack Russia? Surely you jest.

Day 711, 20:13 Published in USA Canada by Dillan Stone

Just a quick reality check for those of you who think it's a good idea to attack Russia right now;

Russian MPPs that will become active in the Russia-USA war if we attack FER:

* Hungary
* Malaysia (plus this will probably end our wargame there - someone confirm that?)
* Ukraine
* Six unimportant PEACE lackies (Italy, Germany, Bulgaria, UK, Japan, Slovenia)

American MPPs that will become active in the Russia-USA war if they attack Alaska:

* Norway
* Malaysia (see note above)
* North Korea
* Belgium
* Austrailia

If Russia attacks us, our situation improves mildly. If we attack Russia, their situation improves drastically.

Let's also remember - Russia was an enemy in the long war, but they were a relatively honorable one. There's a few others (UK, Columbia, and Mexico, I'm looking at you) who should be far higher on our "hit back" list, when the time is right.