Atracurium, prince of Singapore

Day 928, 13:49 Published in United Kingdom Singapore by Parrington

Atra, PRINCE OF eSingapore, by Parrington (with apologies to William Shakespeare)

Scene 1

ATRA: O woe is me! I am ill at ease. For my great father, Relorian, has died and his bride, the fair Boeth, has married his sibling, my blood, srnth. And the legacy of my father, Relorian, is walking, with a ghostly pallor, talking of murder and rigged elections. I will consult my great friend, TheDark, who is helping me throught this difficult time.

Scene 2

Boeth: My newly wed, beware! For there are those in the kingdom that would impeach you, and replace you with your nephew, Atra. Tell me, are they true, the rumours that suggest that you murdered my once beloved, Relorian?

srnth: I do not hold these rumours in any substance, dearest. They are dangerous, though, and I will consult my esteemed if not aged minister, Ice Freeze. I will go now, these guilty thoughts resonating in my head.

Scene 3

Ice Freeze: My advice to you, my liege, is to declare war on an unfriendly nation, lose badly, and thus relinquish territories considered valuable to us. This, coupled with the economy that your newlywed is making a hash of, will result in people taking their minds off the bad rumours occuring presently.

srnth: A good idea, Ice, and one that I will implement. Now, go thither, and get stabbed behind a curtain by the young prince Atra. (exit Ice) Now I will rest awhile, and think about what dastardly deeds i can commit in the last few days of my ill-fated reign.

Scene 4

Atra (having killed Ice freeze): To impeach, or not to impeach, that is the question. Whether tis nobler in the minds of the slings and arrows of outrageous acts of reform. I will leave, and see what I can do. The congress awaits, and I will win support!

Scene 5

Logan: Thou hast killed my father, Atra, and thus, with this poisoned sword, I thee stab. (stabs Atra)

Atra: Aaarrgghh! In this, my last, dying breath (or three,) I impeach the lecherous srnth with MY poisoned sword! (srnth dies)

Boeth: The country is in tatters, and my lover, srnth, is dead. I will drink from this poisoned cup and kill myself (Boeth dies)

Atra: And now, Logan, just so that you will not take the throne of eUK, I stab you and kill you. (They both die, the curtain falls).


You have been watching:

Atracurium as Hamlet
Relorian as the Ghost
Srnth as Claudius
Boeth as Gertrude
The Dark Ace (he didn't get much of a part) as Horatio
Ice freeze as Polonius
Logan as Laertes">