ATO Work...You Are Needed

Day 1,047, 12:38 Published in Ireland Ireland by Sean MacDiarmata

Hello reader,

I'm writing to ask any person who is not running for elections this or next month to aid countries who are being PTO'ed. The admin say PTO's are legal but it doesn't make it right, at this time of the month there is numerous of groups planning their take overs of many countries. We have seen in the last few months...Australia, Bolivia, Bosnia, Croatia, Malaysia, India (attempted), South Africa and dozens of other one's who have been taken over by unwanted forces.

The admin's clearly do nothing to aid these countries against this very foul play so its up to eRepublik's citizens around the world to aid these nations. I am asking citizens who don't plan to run for congress please choose a good route and contact us to be given the details of countries who can use your help.

For those who are unaware of pto's...they come in different forms, they can be congressional take overs which can then allow them to sign peace with an enemy countries or give away the countries money. Other forms can be a Presidential take over...these can be worse as it means they can (without any approval from the people) declare war on any country and effectively destroy a nation.

When these things happen mostly the countries can't do anything to stop them but sometimes they can, but not without the help of their friends. This is why i'm asking now for all people who don't plan on running for congress or country president to think about what they plan on doing for the next month. Why not learn the way a different country does things and help keep a nation safe. The country you help will always be thankful the same way we would be if they helped us.

Please consider can make a difference for a country that can last an eLife time.

If you can help please pm me and ill send you moving tickets and directions on where to go and who to vote for.

Thanks for reading The Suridius maximus,
Marcus Suridius