Day 466, 13:09 Published in USA USA by Al-Iksander

I support the alliance. Overall, it seems better than PEACE GC, although both alliances have aggresive member nations, such as Indonesia, Iran, Spain and Romania. These last two nations are why I am writing this article, sort of.
Certain ATLANTIS citizens, such as Fmr. eUS and eUK President Dishmcds, have called for the eUS to be punished, since we broke Article VI.1 of the ATLANTIS treaty. For those that are not aware, this says that we must inform fellow treaty members that we are going to declare war at least 48 hours prior to the fact. The price for breaking this is 100 gold to each member of ATLANTIS, unless there is a majority vote in our favor.
I will be happy to see the eUS pay this fine, on one condition: eRomania and eSpain have to pay their fines. They both ...neglected to inform ATLANTIS of their actions, unless you buy eRomania's line about how they sent a message to our president, that he somehow never recieved. They never had to pay.
Apparently, the old line about how the third time is the charm is being taken to heart by citizens such as Dishmcds. Perhaps it is because Mexico is his real-life home, or that he wants to see some signatory be punished for their transgressions. Perhaps it is a combination of these and other factors. I do not blame him. What I do blame him, and others for, is that eRomania and eSpain were never punished. Also, we have just recently recovered from having nearly our ENTIRE treasury destroyed in an act of petty vengeance by Teacher. We are hardly in the best economic state to afford this fine.
As I said, I support ATLANTIS. I do not, however, support these hypocritical actions. If we are to be punished, punish the other transgressors as well. Otherwise, please sit in the corner, since no one seems to pay attention to us anyway.
Only time will tell what our fate will be.
*Eppur Si Muove
And Yet It Moves*