Atlantis Vs. Peace

Day 582, 05:37 Published in USA Spain by ShadowFoxBiH

Hello and Welcome To The First Article of The eCNN World News Edition

Coming to you live from Spain at the moment is the battle going on between Croatia and Hungary

Raging on for 15 hours now is the fierce battle between the still proud and strong Croatia and the high and mighty Peace member nation of Hungary. Earlier the other day Hungary took Vojvodina, an area previously a part of eSerbia, from Croatia in a fierce battle between the two countries. Now after eSerbia launched a Resistance War in Vojvodina and a good part of the eHungarian fought in the RW Croatia attacked and dealt a fast and swift blow to the eHungarians and now the battle continues on for the last remaining hours of a vicious fight.

Live from the battlefield most of the Atlantis soldiers seem to be optimistic about finally getting some respect back and showing the eHungarians that Atlantis may be dead but that does not mean that they can make fools of us all. Sources from eCroatia are also highly optimistic about the end to the battle and getting back their beloved territory of Vojvodina. Only time will tell as the battle for this small territory rages on with both sides considering a full out act of war or just a small dispute; only time will tell.......

Urgent Update
Due to the end of a RW in Vojvodina, Serbia has reclaimed its lost territory and the war between eCroatia and eHungary has come to an end. Atlantis Soldiers, as they were leaving the battlefield, felt disappointment and a bit of anger as the war ended and their hopes of winning were lost.

Also in another note eSerbian President Arcibald Rajs was impeached by a 10 to 1 vote in the eSerbian Congress and formerly impeached President Lipec has returned to office yet again.

Thank You for reading the eCNN World News Edition We Will Be Back Tomorrow With More World News To Share.