ATLANTIS military offensive

Day 486, 07:56 Published in USA USA by Corroded

ATLANTIS has launched a worldwide offensive against the forces of PEACE GC. After a week of dormancy and the loss of several regions to PEACE resistance war, a four front offensive striking at the heart of Indonesian production now nears the completion of battle:

West Siberian Region - Arguably the most valuable territory in the world, and look who the hero is.
Northern Cape - High diamond region. With 7 hours, a 25k wall remains to be knocked down.
Karnataka - High iron region, via Romanian controlled Pakistan. With 5 hours, a 70k wall remains to be knocked down.
Centro - A battle pitting Spain vs 9 PEACE allies for control of one of Portugal's highly fortified territories I have a feeling this one is going to go the way of our Mexican campaign.

Urals Region - Romania defending it's newly acquired high iron region, with 7 hours to go PEACE has to defeat the 28k Romanian wall.

West Siberian could be close folks. ATLANTIS forces have broken down the wall and are making progress, but the Indonesian fighters are putting up a fierce resistance despite having no alliances active in the battle. If you can, buy up some of our cheap weapons and go fight!