Atlantic Housing Company in Review

Day 308, 12:34 Published in USA USA by Atlantic Investment Corporatio

This is an article to give eUSA citizens a view of how the Atlantic Housing Company has grown over the past 2 months and to give an idea of production for the next week for the end of September.

Currently AHC is ranked 10th in overall sales. We remain a highly dedicated force in the Q2 housing market and have the 2nd overall housing sales in the eUSA, at time of this writing.

For the month of August AHC produced 26 houses. These ranged from Q1 to Q2 houses. AHC employee count for much of the month of August was around 15-20 employees with fair amount of skill sets. While the month of August was very nice for the pricing of houses at the time, because the lack of companies during this time frame.

For the month of September (23 days) AHC has sold 44 houses. With 6 stock pending sale. Standard pricing for Q2 houses remains around 249.99 which is a good price compared to other companies in various quality ranges. Pricing remains 25-30% higher than Q1 housing, 50% cheaper than Q3 and 75% cheaper than Q4. (These are estimations of normal market prices)

AHC expects to produce about 15-16 more houses for the remaining month of September. We expect to invest additional funds to continue the growth of AHC inventory for the remainder of eREpublik Beta. With the lower demand in housing and the recession seen game wide, we will continue to push additional time and resources to keep the AHC competitive in pricing and salaries of employees.

We do not expect the growth of employees until the release of V1 once the markets stabilize. We do however expect, dependent on the release date, that our growth will match 10-15% for the month of October with the current work force in our company. With the large work force and skill in Q2 the stock in all companies is growing and causing a slight over production.

If anyone has any questions or comments you are more than welcome to post in the comments or send us an email at :

Best Regards,
Co-GM:Atlantic Investment Corporation