Asking our Government - Politely and Not So Politely

Day 1,851, 08:43 Published in Australia Chile by Vyrin the First

As I see it there are 5 areas where we need a plan for eAUS. Right now we're operating like a lawless backwater where everyone does his/her own thing.

It is the responsibility of a government to coordinate the effort of its people for maximum effect. I'm going to make this easy and ask for just one new policy or program... please just something. Anything. One.

The five areas are:

New Members

This is not stunning insight. But what continually amazes me is that every one of these categories is a FAIL right now.

No news, even though apparently we had a cease fire to turn things around. IRC sucks as a way to figure out what's going on. There are other methods.

Diplomacy that ignores the reality that as long as Chile has 9x the players and we have no alliance, there is no point in negotiating.

No economic development - this game's model stinks. I have 3 lvl 1 factories that don't supply my basic needs after two weeks of play. I rely on the kindness of charitable giving. There is no bank, no loans, no economic investment. I refuse to pay outrageous amounts of real $ for gold to buy companies. Why invest in a game that can't turn these dollars into improved gameplay? But maybe if we pooled resources we could actually help our citizens develop in spite of it all. Relying on charity is not economic development.

Military battles are announced but not coordinated. And this is supposed to lead to a win? Military units act as autonomous agents and further weaken any possibility we have to win a battle.

A stunning lack of any serious attempt to attract new recruits even though this is the lifeblood of the game and what underlies everything. Read the lame tutorials is not the answer.

In sum, diplomacy is not the only arena we have to make things better. I would ask the same of any government. One thing, just one thing. Or are my expectations still too high?