Asking for your thoughts

Day 530, 16:53 Published in USA USA by HeadmistressTalia

Congress once again wants to tinker with the tax code! The current plan is to lower the VAT from 3% to 1%. Some seem to want to pair this with increasing the income tax from 20% to 21%. Now while I like lower taxes (who doesn't!), the government will lose income unless we increase taxes elsewhere. The first attempt at this was the weapons tax which failed (I voted no). note the VAT was INCREASED, again to try and gain money based on war.

The next attempt was with gift taxes. Which passed (again, I voted no - due to now planned budget cuts to "pay" for the reduced income). Note the income tax wasn't increased.

I'm confused as to where we're going, and quite honestly I want to know what you're thinking? Should we muck with the tax structure? If so do we lower VAT to 1% and increase income tax? If not, where do we cut the budget?

Please talk to me!