Asher Di Immortales for The Unity Party Presidency

Day 1,028, 16:23 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Asher Di Immortales

Hello there! Some of you may know me already, some may not, but I am Asher Di Immortales and I have decided to run for Party Presidency of The Unity Party this month.

To start off, a little bit about me. I’ve been playing this game for over a year now (having been born on July 31st, 2009) and ever since I could join a political party I’ve been a member of TUP. I’ve worked in several government ministries, such as the Ministries of Trade, Finance and notably Home Affairs, in which I held the position of Under-Minister for several months. I have also been elected into Congress a total of 9 times and have been a member of numerous government projects, such as the Recruitment Office. Militarily, I’ve held the position of Captain, Lieutenant and Royal Marine whilst in the Royal Navy and now I am a member of the eUK army reserves. Within The Unity Party I have published a number of articles for The Unity Post and represented the Party in Congress for the East Midlands many times. Currently I hold the position of Vice Party President for the second time and I run most of The Unity Party’s companies.

But that’s enough about me!

The Unity Party

From a purely statistical point of view, The Unity Party is far and away the most successful political party in the eUK, achieving majorities in Congress and victories in presidential elections month after month as well as record-breaking Congress results.

The Unity Party has a reputation for sustained excellence and the production of hard-working, highly talented citizens, many of whom go on to become Prime Ministers, Secretary Generals of Phoenix and world-renowned experts in their fields. It also has a reputation for advocating social change on a grand scale, for instance with the removal of the House of Lords bill.

However for me, The Unity Party has always represented something more than this. Its new-player-friendly setup and welcoming forums and IRC enable the newest members of the game to meet and interact with the oldest and most successful, providing inspiration and the means to achieve excellence. I for one met many eLife-long friends in my first few days of being in TUP, citizens who gave me my first government job or helped me out of sticky situations. It is this atmosphere of welcoming and encouragement for new players that is both the driving force behind TUP’s continuing success, and the reason why TUP is the party most in touch with the eUK society – why it has the most admirable sets of principles and values, and, importantly, why TUP is the Party most able to help the normal, everyday citizens of the eUK.

My plans for the Party

As I’ve mentioned, The Unity Party is immensely successful and continuing such a legacy is no small responsibility.

First and foremost comes maintaining TUP’s electoral success. Thanks to the money Kevy spent recently, we now have an upgraded, fully functioning Moving Ticket company which actually increases wellness and happiness when used. This will enable us to send more mobile voters to our Congress candidates, allowing us to utilise our large member-base to its full potential and hopefully achieve great Congress results once again. I highly encourage any Unity Party members reading this to send me a message to find out how you can help our Congress results and be a floating voter yourself.

The Unity Party is possibly the eUK’s largest pool of talent, so when we pick a candidate to run for the office of Prime Minister, it will be a good one. As usual, we will decide which candidate to support via a vote of TUP members on the forums, before sending out some rounds of mass messages to the country.

However, TUP’s influence stretches far outside of the electoral sphere, and a huge duty of a Party President is to maintain the beneficial social impact which we have upon the community. I will aim to increase our economic presence, increase our active membership and get more of our players contributing to our decisions.

One of my biggest goals as Party President will be to increase participation in Party matters from the grassroot members of the party, many of whom are not currently on the forums or IRC. If you are one of these people, I greatly encourage you to sign up to the eUK forums here and get on the IRC here (once you’re on IRC, type “/j #tup.public” or “/query asher [yourmessage]” for help). It really is vital that you use both the forums and IRC, since without them you’ll find it very difficult to keep informed and you won’t be able to participate in decisions within The Unity Party or the country as a whole. They are especially important if you’re thinking of running for Congress.

In terms of finances, we always ask for donations towards the party from our successful Congressmen and I will double the minimum donation from 1 gold to 2 gold (although many Congressmen are very generous and donate all their medal gold). With this gold I hope to expand on our economic plans, developing more companies which we can use to ensure necessities remain affordable for all players – by keeping wages high and prices low.

We also run The Unity food Programme (or TUfP for short), which provides free food for countless new players – I will continue to run this and to raise awareness of it through advertising. If you are below level 20

While having large member lists is all very nice, what really counts is how many active members a party has, so throughout my term I hope to contact Unity Party members on an individual level and find out what their specific concerns and needs are.

The Team

My Vice President will be Karacticus, somebody who has been Party President himself before, as well as Minister of Home Affairs many times and even Prime Minister. I trust him implicitly and know that he will be a great aid to me throughout my term.

Added to the Vice President, The Unity Party (as I’m sure you’re aware) is a very tight-nit community and I will be asking many members for advice through the duration of my term – they know who they are. Previously we have had Councils of Unity, however I don’t feel the need to add yet more beaurocracy, since in the end it is the entire Party which helps out and makes important decisions.


I apologise if this manifesto is a bit lengthy, I tried to shorten it, but as you can tell there’s a lot to include 😛

To sum my manifesto up in three words, I’d use experience, trust and success.

I have experience in many walks of eLife, ranging from financial to military, I have been in TUP for over a year and it is a vital part of eRepublik for me – you can trust me to do all that is within my power to ensure it remains on the right course and doesn’t falter. Finally, everything I do next month will be geared towards success – success in elections, success in the marketplace and above all, success in helping as many ordinary citizens of the eUK as possible to achieve their full potential.

Finally, I’d like to thank the many great faces of TUP who have helped and inspired me over the last year or so. Without you guys, I wouldn’t be here today and I certainly wouldn’t be running for Party Presidency of the greatest party in the eUK.

On the 15th, remember to vote for Asher Di Immortales!