Arya Bhatt for Congress, Aug '09

Day 642, 06:10 Published in India India by India United

I'm gonna take a stab at writing a longer one this time. So here's a "If I get elected" wish list:

1. Keep running the forums in a transparent and impartial way. Bring in new ideas and involve eIndians who have a knack for technology and can bring in creative ideas.
2. Provide help to new players by collecting/collating and organizing tutorials for them. Being available for as much time as possible for answering questions/queries.
3. Keep serving the Indian Army and government owned companies whatever way possible.

And here, is a brief description of my fling with eRepublik:

In game, I am a level 19 player with 10+ strength and a recently acquired rank of General. I started playing about 7 months ago (sometime in January) when a friend introduced me to this game. I spent the initial couple of months two-clicking the game and reading (not participating in) the forums. I was here when we lost to Karnataka (and other states) then I moved to Orissa once it was liberated(got a free moving ticket from the Govt). I then started getting more actively involved in eIndia and helped form the new forums (and therefore am a Site Admin now 🙂 ) and some other geeky stuff. I have also had the honor of running the Ministry of Internal Affairs (mostly with the help of maverick10, as i have had to be away for long stretches, Thanks Mav!).

I'm running for congress again to help my party (India United) and more importantly my country. If you think I'm worthy of being a congressman again, please consider voting for me.

PS: I will donate 5G if elected, don't worry 😉

Arya Bhatt

[Published by India United]