Artorius Perim for DAL Party President!

Day 663, 10:58 Published in Canada Canada by ArtyP

Hello there, many may know me as the crazy person (If you ever go onto the IRC) or the person who likes to harass Scorpius. But of course, over the next week I will become more serious and change from being that wierdo to a proper mannered politician. But overall I'm am a very commited person to becoming our next Party President.

DAL has been nothing but helpful to me in all ways, not only is it because of Scorpius and others that got me elected in B.C., there was Citizen B who looked carefully over me and helped me grow to join DAL. And just recently, Derek Harland, who offered me a position in the Cabinet as Minister of Health. With all this, I want to give back to our party, more than ever.

Let's start off with some fun things:

1. Contests and Competitions

I want to bring some fun into DAL, in between elections when thins get boring. I'm going to introduce maybe 2 - 3 contests/competitions each week to boost our spirits. These contests could range from a Poetry Contest, Writing Contest, Art Design, "Finish the Lyrics" contest where you would have to finish off lyrics to a specific song or maybe even a trivia contest or Scavenger Hunt!

These contests/competitions will have prizes, either coming from our DAL org, or more from me. (Basically from me, because I rather use our funds for elections.) The prizes could range from Moving Tickets - Weapons or maybe 0.5 - 2 Gold! These will run by me, there will be no comittee for this so that everyone can participate!

2. An Outreach to our Younger Players

As I mentioned above, DAL is one of the only parties in eCanada that services most of their time to our new players. Now, I just started over 1 month and a couple weeks ago, yet, I have learned so much, experienced so much, and I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't those of the DAL.

Many of you may of hear dof my MOWC (Meals on Wheels Canada) idea. Well I want submit a smaller version of that, MOW DAL. This particular program will help any of our inexperienced newer players to keep on living. If they do not know the ropes yet, we can be there to aid them in their wellness. Of course, each new player receiving a MOW DAL package would have to be no older than 2-3 weeks old and have under 50 Wellness. A more detailed plan for this will commence soon.

I also hope to establish a more active forum for our newer players, in here players can be directed to easy-to-understand written articles for tutorials. There will also be an updated history for us. Now, I know the eRep Wiki may already have this, but newer players will feel more comfortable if we are there to help them understand with any questions we have.

3. DAL Fundraisers

The DAL has been short on funds, especially during elections. I will hope to start maybe 2 - 3 fundraisers during my term of PP. Some ideas I have are use for Karsten's amazing photo editing skills. We could possibly charge people not much money for editing skills, made by Karsten and some of our other superb graphic artists! During a week long fundraiser, our graphic artists could possibly go in-game and post numerous articles, showing off their talent and work. We could charge anywhere from 1.50CAD - 30CAD for a large banner made, elections banner, or just a simple avatar. I understand this could put alot of stress on anyone offering their services so I propose that 20% of the money earned goes straight to the artists and the rest 80% go to the DAL organization.

Of course, the Organization would be the one who is coordinating the advertisement for our fundraisers. (the percentage of pay and donations heading towards the DAL organization is changeable, if you would like.) A committee would be established for this sole purpose to help coordinate these fundraisers and aid our volunteers if need be. This comittee's job would be writing up articles for our fundraisers and assigning jobs, and making sure everything is running smoothly. The Charity Commitee would also play a big role in this. Summoning ideas and also over seeing the operations. The Charity Commitee would also propose their own ideas from fundraising and would be made up of around 2 - 4 people.

4. Records of our Transactions

I will put into action an important thread used solely for keep records of what I will use the money from the DAL organization. (from yours, Charity and Fundraising approval) I will also post any money I use from myself, or any item donations I make. I would like to ask all other DAL members do the same so that we have a clear understanding of anything that goes on around here. With this new thread, there will be no confusion what so ever.

5. Commitee System

I want to make the commitee system active again. Starting September 20th, I will put into action a new Commitee Application, here many people will be allowed to apply for positions on certain commitees. (I know I may hav eonly mentioned around 2 - 3 commitees, but I am open to forming new ones by the request of DAL members!) You may be able to join up to 2 commitees, so that you aren't over worked and you must be active, at least once every 2 days. If you go unactive you must alert us first.

The commitee system will play a large role when I am Party President, mainly to give people a chance to show their skill and potential as future leaders and organization. Also to reduce stress on people so that not only 2 - 3 people are running everything. I want us to be able to work together and getting more involved. And what better way to do it than joining a commitee?

6. DAL Recruitment and Forum Activeness

Our wonderful recruitment guru, Citizen B, has been extremely helpful in recruiting, not only me, but nearly everyone we have! We can't let him do all the work, as he as a life to and not just sitting on the computer, recruiting. There probably will not be a certain commitee to do this (unless by popular demand,) but instead we will host Recruitment Competitions. In which people will recruit up to as many people as they can. At the end of 1 week the top 5 - 3 people will most people recruited will earn a special prize.

Now, there are other ways to recruit, and you will be recognized handsomely if you take into account and recruit on your own time. Also, many new players don't realize that there are forums! When I started out, my first week, I thought all we could do to communicate as a country was by the eRep Forums and articles. How sad. If it wasn;t for Citizen B, I would be on more than 3+ forums! I want to make sure all our new members are directed to the right direction and join not only DAL forums and eCanada forums, to keep updated on the life that is happening all around us.

[As for the position of Vice President; That is undecided by me, I am currently running alone. But The position is open to anyone willing to help me. I will choose carefull for my VP after the election.]


There you have it, my election platfom. It may not be as flashy or long as anyone else's but it is what I hope to accomplish in my term. You may think I'm going to corrupt this party and destroy it, but rest assured, I won't. A more serious era for me has begun. With Scorpius by my side, mentoring me, nothing can and will not go wrong.

Why should you vote for me?
-I'm more than active on the forums and IRC so you can contact me at anytime!
-I'm willing to help with ANYTHING.
-I have the time and activeness to bring you a more reformed party than ever!
-I am open minded and willing to take in any ideas into consideration and seriously.

Now for my campaign slogan everyone hates:

Thank you for reading, and please vote for me on September 15th! If you do not have an opinion of who to vote for, please, lend your vote to me! 🙂

Credit goes to Karsten Skeries for my Campaign Banner