Artorius Perim for a United British Columbia!

Day 795, 12:47 Published in Canada Canada by ArtyP

Hello there fellow British Columbians, I am Artorius Perim and I hope to represent you in the next Congressional Term to come. 😉

Here’s a little about me: Have been in the DAL for 7 months, 2x Congress Member of eCanada, Former Minister of Health & Human Services for 3 consecutive terms, Former DAL Charity Director, Former Meals On Wheels Canada Head Director and Current Democratic Grain Manager. I was born into the New World in the month of July and I instantly became attached to the game as I grew rapidly. Today, I am here to tell you why I am the best candidate for you to vote in the Congress Election.


I want to introduce a very high level of transparency of Congress Bills, and especially what I am voting for. You can expect a Congress Report from me every 3 days outlining Bills and votes that have passed. Also, it will include what I have voted for.

Each report will also show what each bill meant and what it means for you, in order to keep you, the public of British Columbia informed of what your government is doing for you.

Your Voice

I will be accepting requests made by you, or any suggestions for Congress via PM. Not only, what I vote for is what YOU want, which basically means I will vote YES or NO on a bill depending on what you, the public tells me, or wants me to vote.

I will also be publish updates to congress every 3-4 days telling them about how you feel about what congress is doing, and what YOU think we should be doing. Government is only here to serve YOU, so why not include YOUR opinion and your voice in the Government? 😉

There is not a lot I want do in Congress, as change is occurring all around us. Mainly, I want to get the public of British Columbia involved with the eCanada New World. I believe right now, many things are set and perfect as they are, but there is always room for improvement, reform and advancement. I am more than qualified and experienced player, going for my 3rd term in British Columbia.

☼Vote for Artorius Perim!

☼eCanada will be VICTORIUS with ARTORIUS!

☼Vote for the Future of eCanada and for a united BC!

☼(P.S. send Artorius your address, and he’ll mail you a free cookie!)">