Articulate Arts: Part 1 - How to make a newspaper!

Day 1,320, 16:48 Published in South Korea South Korea by Allen Wells
(If you're disappointed that I haven't been writing articles lately, then I'm sorry. But most of you probably forgot this newspaper existed anyway so...)

If you can't see an image clearly, right click the image and "view image". (Tested with Firefox 5 on a PC. If you use a Mac, then may the Sun King help you.)

Selemat pagi! (I think it means, "Good Morning".) You know, that's the only Malaysian/Indonesian phrase I can speak, even if my parents are both Malaysian Chinese. Anyhow, with the recent baby boom and what not, all of you little wee cutesy players must be wondering how these magical walls of text manage to appear in the news section. Well, I'll tell you, it's all because we have a sacred ritual practice called a Newspaper. We use this amazing ability to voice our opinion on whatever we want and you can learn it too! But, it doesn't come for free, there's always some sort of a fee for everything, be it money or time...In this case, both.

Google images, how I doth love thee.

Now, I'm going to assume you know all about gold. If you don't...I can explain a bit. Gold is the currency used for all of the good stuff, like making companies, exchanging for foreign currencies, trading with players and most importantly here making your own newspaper! (Buying health packs with gold is ONE OF THE BIGGEST WASTES OF GOLD YOU CAN EVER MAKE IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE. ESPECIALLY AT THE START, SO DON'T DO IT MAN! YOU'LL REGRET IT!)

Look at that devilish demonspawn... Only the rich can afford such waste so much!

Now, since even the game developers are greedy people, making your very own newspaper requires you to have a petty sum of 2 gold in total and to be level 8 or so. If you haven't got either of those, don't fret! Just make sure to remember later. (If you've been a good child and haven't spent any of your gold on silly health packs, then you should have more than enough when you reach level 8! However, if you were a wild child, then either level up for another 1 gold, train your strength 250 points for 5 gold or work 30 days in a row for 5 gold.) You'll find the "create newspaper" somewhere... I'm sorry, I can't provide a screenshot because I already have a newspaper.

I have no absolute idea, but try looking here! It says subscriptions because I already have a newspaper. If you've got a good brain in your head, I'm sure all of you will get more subscribers than me.

Once you've found and clicked that button, the page should look something like this (courtesy of google images, again):

What it should look like.

Big red boxes, yo.

1. This is how much gold you have. Notice how the person who took this screenshot has 49 gold and hasn't made a newspaper...Yeah, there are people like that, although I think this just might've been the admin making a tutorial or something.

2. The requirements. Again, I'm not sure whether these are up to date or not.

3. Your newspaper's name! It's probably important you come up with a name that doesn't rip off every fantasy game to have ever existed, but of course, if that's how you roll then go for it, dawg. (You can always change your newspaper's name anyway, but if you change it too much it's going to confuse your subscribers.)

4. Your newspaper's avatar. This is like your profile picture, except it's for your newspaper instead. Whenever someone clicks on your profile page, they'll see it under "Press director." If you write an article and someone sees it on the news page, the picture will appear to the right of the article's name and if the person clicks on your article, they'll see it by your newspaper's name.

5. The "Create" button. Very important, don't forget it!
Now, if you've created your newspaper, you'll be seeing things like this:

Newspaper on your profile page. Heed no evidence of my elitism!

If you click on your newspaper's name, you'll see this. If other people click on it, they'll see everything except for the detail editing stuff. The two buttons in the red box are very important, for reasons obvious.

This is the page to make changes.

About the gold cost, I've never actually had to pay any gold for changing my name, avatar or newspaper description. (Or at least I don't think I have.) So don't start panicking.

About the location, due to a change some months ago by our dearly beloved (that was sarcasm) admin, you can only write articles in the country you have citizenship in. (That's what I remember.) So be wary, even if you change your newspaper's location to be set in New Zealand because you want to insult their obsession with sheep (I live in Auckland, and I swear it's different from the rest of NZ), you won't be able to write an article and the game will prompt you to get citizenship there. This is what the notice looks like:

It replaces the "Publish" button.

That's all of the points I can remember to cover on making a newspaper.
Stay tuned in 1 hour or so for Articulate Arts: Part 2 - How to make an article! Thanks for reading! (Part two is out now!)

It continues...