Articles. Articles everywhere. - Help me write more!

Day 1,080, 19:35 Published in South Korea South Korea by Allen Wells

So as the new ambassador to eNZ, I'm supposed to write an article over there...I already have an organisation up, along with a newspaper which both go by a Moa theme. I haven't actually done much yet though... (Don't tell.)

I'm just wondering what the people of our beloved eSK would like me to write about in eNZ. You probably didn't know, but I wrote an article about eSK in eThailand back when I could without an organisation. You can find it here: Since it was boring coming up with ideas to write about (okay, maybe it was a little fun), I'd like you all to give me the headings, and the information if that's possible too. (Just kidding, I like typing a bit myself.)

So, let's see what you guys want me to write about us!