Article, the application of PP Free Belgium.

Day 1,148, 15:42 Published in Belgium Brazil by Dio LFernandoX

Hello Belgian citizens, it is with great pleasure and dedication to come here through this article launching my candidacy to chair the party's Free Belgium.

Good many members of the Free Belgium must be wondering, why is this guy running for president of my party and he barely completed one day of party, what is this guy anyway huh?

Yeah I'm new to the party but, more I know the game mechanics in which mainly I'm interested more, POLITICS good I am new to this party have more knowledge in others, and today I come here I apply the PP to show the Free Belgium I am able to take charge and put it into practice my ideas and goals for the elections if I win I might be doing.

Ideas and Goals:

-Bring up the membership to the party members who are active and participatory;

-Maintain relationships with members from other countries so that we can maintain this moderate policy and good, so we can have knowledge tals citizens to protect us from TO, and to maintain relations with parties in Belgium as well;

-Create projects within the party so that we can maintain a good relationship with our members and to Belgian politics. For power in order to have a good campaign with Belgian politics and Belgian citizens, able to guide and monitor whether or not members of the party to be a congressman, in order, the Belgian power to participate in politics;

-Create a good political strategy, so we can release candidate of competence and be prepared for the congress, we can achieve the maximum seats in Congress Belgian, and teach new members how to be a good politician, honest and who has responsibility and willingness to participate Belgian politics.

Well folks, this is it I'm very willing to be President of the Free Belgium, want to work seriously, continue to build the party making it a much better party. Thank you all for being reading this article, I hope you trust me. Vote, sign this paper, and comment and criticism, suggestions or if they want to take any questions. Sorry for my English which is a little rusty lol, I'm improving it every day in order to maintain a good relationship with all Belgian citizens, among others.