Article Removed: an explanation, and a request.

Day 537, 17:02 Published in Ireland Ireland by Aran Tal

My dear friends and countrymen.

Three hours ago I published an article which contained a petition against the proposals of a certain Government official which was signed by nineteen of Ireland's most respected politicians from across the political spectrum. I have sent the petition to the President, and have received assurances that its content has been acknowledged.

It has been pointed out to me that it is not in anyone's best interests to begin a public feud which could go on forever over an issue which can be dealt with in private.

I believe Irish politics should be cleaner, and more respectable. We must engage in high-minded debate as equals rather than falling for the ever so tempting last resort of gutter-sniping and cynical personal campaigns in the press. it is my hope that by taking the first step myself, Irish politicians will grow closer together and although we may differ on points of policy, let us work them out in the Congress to which we were elected.

I have publicly cried out against mud-slinging wars on several occasions before, and while I maintain that my petition was not as low as some we have seen, I agree that it is better to keep the politics of the personality out of the running of the country. Forty-one of us were elected to run the nation, and the people of eIreland has entrusted us with their welfare. We are respected and intelligent people each of us and we must not resort to school-yard tactics.

The issues addressed in the deleted article will be dealt with by other means. Furthermore, I hope to see more friendly debate on issues in the future and an end to the era of personal slurs, and gang-mentality party politics.

If there are any particular objections to this means of action please PM me privately, and I will address your concerns in person.

With, as always,
Much Love

Aran Tal
TD for the Northwest.