Article about the elections in JLP

Day 453, 13:08 Published in Japan Sweden by Gustavius

As I have just lost a... nice word, hm, darn long article I could not bother to write a new one.


This is the thing, the partyleader and vice partyleader in JLP (Kokawayoshi Makoto) is not directly impressed by Ice Freeze's ability and ideas for leadership and improvement of JLP.
Also have I received a huge amount of letters, comments and thought about Ice Freeze and his future position as partyleader in JLP.

Due of this we have decided to make a "coup".
It's fairly easy: As an inactive partyleader can't lead, the power will go to the vice partyleader.
The vice partyleader in JLP is Kokawayoshi Makoto, or Koka as some calls him. (Koka = a drug in Sweden - Fun facts)

And the plan is more simple.
I will candidate, I will gain power, I will resign and give the power to the person with the highest level, the person in JLP who has the highest level is inactive (and we would like him to remain like that)
All this means one thing, as the partyleader in unable to rule in JLP the power and control must go to Kokawayoshi Makoto as he is the vice partyleader.
Simple and easy and ohh, so Swedish...

So thats it, I will move to some different position for the "holiday" I first arrived in Japan for and Kokawayoshi will will be the person with power in JLP and he will have singel access to JLP Official.
And to Ice Freeze - sorry pal, some days the world is walking against you and they just prevent you from doing anything, today is your day.
But still, you are welcome to JLP and we would like you to stay but you should just know, you are not the right person to lead JLP, if you ask me I thought that you worked against the manifest and you even wanted to change the name of the party... (ohh no)

So sorry, and if you fell bad right now, you should know I fell like big, disgusting piece of dogs... dogwaste.
And thats it, I am now finished with Japan! Modelcon got his article and ohh, it fells goooood.

JLP future e😜artyleader Gustavius signing of.
Ja mata - or something, just say... vi ses en annan gång era stora fån