Article about MNP (a party)

Day 451, 15:04 Published in Malaysia Sweden by Gustavius

You know today I have written 2.5 A4-text just with comments to different articles, topics and letters, do you wonder why? It’s because I have been active and is active in Erepublik, in Sweden, in Japan and in Malaysia.
I’m active in the Erepublik Wikipedia, in our new National forums I’m one of the new Admins and the creator of the forum.
That’s me – but now to the important part – my party, The Malaysian National Party, the MNP or as you may for the moment know it: The Anarcho-Capitalistic Party

Yeah, we will change the name, publish the manifest and organize the party even further.
So here is the MNP’s manifest, the first manifest in Malaysia (be aware of misspelling)

The Malaysian National Party (MNP)


The Malaysian National party is a Social-liberal party which will work for progress, democracy and an open-minded nation which is proud over its traditions and history.
We want to build a nation which is built of the bases of humanism, activity and down-to-earth politics; we want to build a nation for you and me, for everyone who wants to join our nation.

MNP supports a market economy with in some limits, we do not want the population to be exploited or treated in a bad way.
Also we want to build a stabile economy which will not fluctuate and instead have a constant and even number of products all of kinds of quality’s and company brands.

To increase the amount of companies we would also like to distribute around 300 MYR for salaries in the beginning for the new companies and support the import of Food until the food market is stabile.
This idea has worked in nations like Denmark and wherefore we should also use this system.
Also the possibility of government loans to cooperation’s is in the question, if an employer have problems the government shall have the plausibility to step in and “protect” the company until better times.
Also by giving loans the government shall be able to encourage companies which produce Q3+ to increase production or expand, this is so the persons working in a high-Q- companies shall have food to buy and wherefore survive.

We also want to have low taxes to stimulate the economy, but not to low as the nation must have money to survive, finance the army, buy hospitals and defense-systems and pay the citizens fee.
But we do not want to have governmental companies unless it really necessary.

Foreign Policy

MNP recognizes the importance of a responsible and sensible Foreign Policy if Malaysia is to maintain her sovereignty, statehood and self-determination in an ever-increasingly hostile international environment.
We have Indonesia, USA and other great and big nations around us who can be a threat to us.
Due of this MNP wants to have a good relationship with its neighbors.
But MNP do not want to join any alliance completely, we want to be a neutral nation which will not pose a threat but not be a piece of meat waiting for the tiger to eat us.

But as we have seen Iran’s attack on Pakistan we can now impossible be sure of the status of PEACE but do of local conditions it would probably be best if we would have a closer contact to PEACE even if we should not join them.
Also the MNP would like to focus and develop an alliance for Asian (Iran, Korea, etc) or Pacific nations. (USA, Mexico and Japan, etc)
This would strengthen our nation and create at peaceful and secure area around our own nation, something which we as a pretty military weak nation are in need of.

Otherwise MNP’s foreign policy is based on peace and friendship with the surrounding countries, we can impossibly win a war against a neighboring nation and come out really successful.
The reason why success is out of question? Because we can’t hold a nation and that will lead to political instability and a lack of action.

Democratic Participation

The Malaysian National Party believes that democratic participation is the key.
Both within the party as well as in the country the MNP is striving for the maximum amount of democracy and the involvement of all citizens into the democratic process.

A government led by the MNP will act openly, involve its citizens and take responsibility for its acts. We will clearly state our congress decisions and why we choose to act in that way.
We will use newspapers and other means to involve the citizens in the decision-finding process and discuss our policies with them.
The government under our rule will have regular meetings and if anyone is interested in a decision or topic then you are always welcome to participate.
Also within the party we will have party meeting so we can develop the party further.


MNP wants to support all the newcomers in Malaysia by a generous citizen fee around 10 times bigger when the cost of Q2 food.
Also we want to provide help with starting the game as it can be a rough start.
This means that we will develop a system with helpers which can help new players to play the game and get started, also we will focus on a team which can keep the Wikipedia updated and the wiki will also help with the education and support of the new citizen.

Other things which should be prioritized are the construction of a forum, this is so the people can debate, ask questions and advance in the social life.


Nothing is as important as media, you can take away our army, you can take away our president but if we do not have media, then we do not have anything.
Free journalism is one of the most vital parts in a democracy and is something which should be supported. There for if the situation goes so bad so no news or information, no articles are being released, then will MNP consider to give out loans to private persons so they can create a newspaper because without the media we have nothing.


As you may have guessed so is MNP a rather peaceful party which has no interest of starting a war with our bordering nations.
But this do not means that the military shall not have a special position in the nation.

Our plan is to create a so called “national guard” which will protect and defend the borders of our nation, also if needed or asked they will be able to fight in some other nation’s name.
This can be done for payment or just because of a MPP; otherwise the possibility is to fight just for training reasons.
Also important is the information from the army to the people, the army shall have an organization and a newspaper to inform, give orders and commands and spread propaganda throw our people and our enemies.
Our idea contains also how to build the army, we need a Minister of Defense, a vice minister of defense and several officers which can lead platoons in to battle.

MNP - Unity! Purity! Courage!

And last, after this long manifest we would just like to say two things.
First, join the new national forum an contribute to your new nation – join our National forums

And also: Join the Malaysian National Party – Unity throughout the nation and its people, Purity within the mind, Courage in the nations and citizens battles. – MNP, for a better Malaysia.

I would actually want to add something, look at the Erepublik rules at paragraph 4.
As I who have not yet moved is getting already tired of being accused for wanting to steal the gold, look at paragraph 4 and think, I know no one in MNP who have ever broken the rules or Erepublik or done something due of greed after gold or money.
We have been in the congress, we have fought for our nations and maid our own wealth, why then would we steal Malaysians, yours and everybody else’s gold and MYR?
If you want to accuse us, do that but bring some evidence with you.