ArtemIvanov President of the United Netherlands

Day 686, 01:57 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Cocoamok

Yesterday we had presidential elections in the United Netherlands. ThomasRED did not run as a candidate and wrote an article today. He has been president for 3 months and have contributed a lot to our nation.
It was sure we would get someone that was no president before. The ones that had the biggest chance, ArtemIvanov and Mark Decius, did not have too much political difference between them. Because the two biggest parties supported ArtemIvanov almost all expected ArtemIvanov to win. And that happened.

The result
1. ArtemIvanov, Belgian Party, Libertarian Social Democrats, 200 votes, 47.85%
2. Mark Decius, Green Liberal Democrats, Gelijkheid Vrijheid Democratie, the Libertarian Party, The Open Society, 154 votes, 36.84%
3. Dylan Verstraete, MIBelgium, 31votes, 7.42%
4. Ingkie DutchLink 18 votes, 4.31%
5. Roy Versteeg, Socialistische Arbeiderspartij, 15 votes, 3.59%
Total votes: 418

In September 2009 there were 436 votes, in August 260 votes. It seems that our nation is not loosing that much people after the baby boom in August. That is very good. In France the baby boom from which we got our baby boom was not that successful. Sadly most new people left the game in France. So our nation did a good job.

BP and LSD got in the congressional elections around 60% both in votes and in seats. Now ArtemIvanov, as independent supported by these parties got 47.85%. Part of this loss can be explained by the votes for MIBelgian, DutchLink and Socialisrtische Arbeiderspartij. As these three parties could not run in the congressional elections (because their parties are not in the top 5 on member size) many of them could have been voting for BP and LSD, but now they had there own candidates. But ArtemIvanov also got votes from I&W members. That party got about 20% of the votes in the congress elections and 27.5% of the seats. The other explanation is that maybe many believed that because ArtemIvanov just became a proud father he would not be the best choice for becoming president. Let us hope these people are wrong, because ArtemIvanov is now our president.

Most of these I&W votes must have gone however to Mark Decius. He got 36.84% of the votes. He ran as independent supported by four most small parties. Only GLD and GVD are elected in the congress. GLD has 4 seats and GVD 1 seat. Together they got about 20% of the votes and 12.5% of the seats. So Mark Decius did a good job getting 154 votes. It was not enough to win. But for sure it shows potentiality.

Interesting is also the votes for the small parties.

MIBelgium: This party wants an independent Belgium. Dylan Verstraete got 31votes (7.42😵. The top 5 party GVD got in the last elections only 24 votes. It could be that only because of the inactive members of GVD, MIBelgium (with 19 members) is not a top 5 party. Although also the Libertarian Party is wuith 25 members bigger than MIBelgium.
When MIBelgium would be more active on the national forum and on IRC they might become party number 5.

DutchLink: This party stands for unity and fun. Ingkie got 18 votes (4.31😵. Not bad at all for a party with 13 members. With so many votes in one region he would get a seat easy in the congress.

Socialistische Arbeiderspartij: This far left party wants socialism. It has 9 members. Roy Versteeg got 15 votes (3.59😵. These votes in one region would be enough for a congress seat.

Only top 5 parties can run for congress due to game mechanics. This makes it for the smaller parties extreme difficult to have a real influence. Best for these parties would be to get one of its members running in another party that is in the top 5. When they would organise their voters to move to one region they could get one seat in the congress. This would make our politics more democratic and hopefully more interesting.

I am glad ArtemIvanov became president. I have confidence in this critical citizen, active from the first day he started in eRepublik and with an open mind to everything. I hope he can contribute a lot to make our nation a nicer place to be in.

I ask all citizens to be active on our national forum
and on IRC: #eUNL at
Write messages to ArtemIvanov about the problems you see. Write in newspapers what you think on the topics. That way more information can be used for improving our society.