Art#34 Wow... another law to reject...

Day 838, 19:51 Published in South Korea South Korea by Peter de LusionisT Bae

Please reject the Defense system law.

This one wasn't even mentioned.

Matsugane, please visit the forums for once before posting up proposals...


I asked him, "Why did you propose that DS tax change?
It was not discussed in the forum."

I got back, "Because i think it is a good tax change, you don't ?
"Not discussed on the forum", i don't have much time"

I know who I'm not voting for next term... (Well, I'm going to be voting for myself but lol)

If you don't have much time to invest in this game, I really don't think becoming a law maker is a good decision.


In other news, I've only gotten 1 person submit their scores for my contest...

O boy, this is going to be a LONG contest...