Arrival of the First International Brigade

Day 136, 17:30 Published in Sweden Sweden by Grev Per


It's with great pleasure that I announce the arrival of the First International Brigade to Denmark. These young warriors have come to protect civilization from the potential invasion of Swedish Barbarism. The first Brigade has come from England and have taken employment in Picket Fence Realty.

The government looks forward to more arrivals, forthwith.

The government announces it's emergency employment plan. It has become necessary in lue of war on the horizon to restructure our industries to better deal with the coming issue. We are willing to offer 200 DKK to a citizen who employs himself with Food Nation. We only need one more citizen.

We will continue to offer 100 DKK to any citizen who moves his employment to an industry in Picket Fence Realty, Scherf's Gift Shop, or Pingvin Hospital.

Any businesses that lose an employee will gain 100 DKK as well.

God speed!

With Bureaucracy Denmark Will Prevail