Armoured Voice: New and Improved!

Day 722, 15:17 Published in Canada Canada by Armour144
Editor’s Note: The Armoured Voice, Remade! Now with a new layout, new topics (i.e. no more “fail articles”), and even a banner. Now please read on to see your first glimpse of the New and Improved Armoured Voice!

Italy Leaves Peace----Indo-Malayan War----North Korea----Hungary

Italy Leaves Peace
Finally, Italy has officially declared their intent to leave Peace

This has been a long time coming, ever since the PTO of Italy, where Peace failed a PTO of Canada, and left Italy to fend for itself. This is great news, as Canada will always accept new allies. This move may also begin the unravelling of Peace, especially in France where there is much dislike towards Peace’s recent actions.

Indo-Malayan War
On to Malaysia where the Indonesian declaration of war has officially been passed. And yet, the front is quiet. This has left some people wondering “is this just a trick?”.

Yes, it could all be a clever trick to end the SOL war games without even attacking anything, because it leaves Malaysia too afraid to start up another battle. Could this be the real reasoning behind Indonesia’s war?

No Of course not.

Malaysia has high wood. Indonesia doesn’t. Therefore, using simple logic, they need to get it. How can they get it? By conquering it.

Wood is the only item in eRepublik that Indonesia doesn’t have a 99% import tax on, and I’m sure they would like to change that. The current import tax is at 5%, with income at 15%. So, they are losing 10% of possible profits from wood by not having their own high wood region.

So will Indonesia dive into an assault, with the hopes of claiming a forest? We’ll have to wait and see.

North Korea

Unfortunately, North Korea was PTO’d in the last presidential elections by Peace. This is the reasoning behind the North Korean attack on Russia This attack has opened up 15 Russian Mpp’s, so North Korea may be conquered entirely once again within a few days.


Hungary has gone under siege today, as 6 resistance wars were started in occupied regions. Poland also attacked Hungary in Eastern Slovakia as well as Central Slovakia.
Poland has failed to be able to capture any Hungarian-occupied Slovakian regions in the past few days, but Poland refuses to stop the attacks as they attempt to restore Slovakia.

Well that’s all for the New and Improved Armoured Voice. Subscribe and Vote!