Armed Neutrality

Day 804, 17:26 Published in USA USA by CivilAnarchy

The Cold War.
A war of indirect hostile maneuvering, with two super powers aligned against each other. Each with its respective alliances, the powers fought against each other in every imaginable way except for open warfare. These 46 years were fraught with disaster for smaller countries, and even the powers in some circumstances. It truly f*cked up the world for awhile.
If open warfare had occurred during this time period....
We'd all be dead, for sure.
This armed neutrality prevented the two sides from fighting against each other openly, which would have resulting in sending the nukes flying and killing just about everyone.

Now, to bring my point to focus...

We. Do. Not. Have. To. Go. Around. Killing. Other. Countries.

In each and every argument for Imperialism, there are two common arguments. 1. Imperialism is FUN. and 2. Its do or die, if we don't, they will.

Well I'm not even going to address the first one...yet.
Lets look at the second one.

This is not a do or die situation. We are an economic and military superpower. We have powerful enemies, and we have powerful allies. I would argue that ourselves and our allies are stronger than those enemies combined. Due to all this, we have an option besides kill everyone or die ourselves. We can fight without going around occupying other countries for the hell of it.
And that way is Armed Neutrality.

Armed Neutrality is a foreign policy and military policy that can be adopted by the United States government in order to preserve the status quo of the New World, along with ensuring stability throughout and allowing for the United States to gain a high moral footing, and a high standing in the eyes of other countries throughout the world, along with protecting ourselves militarily.
If we fight simply to survive, that is Armed Neutrality. If there are Russians at our border, moving in through Alaska, kick their ass, send them packing, and then laugh at them. But do not endanger our society and our military by invading back for such petty reasons.

Do not invade Mexico or Colombia for the "lulz" or because they're on our "shit list".

It is our duty as Americans to ensure that our country stays strong, and stays just. Invading and Occupying other countries simply because we're bored is not an adequate reason, nor a civilized one. Fight for the preservation of our liberty, and the reputation that our country has earned. These two things are not ideals to be thrown away so lightly, so let us ensure that we do not do so.