Arm America (AKA : Militia secondary funding center)

Day 1,137, 10:19 Published in USA USA by Princefigs

Now that I have your attention....

I submit the stated goal / mission statement of the Arm America program as stated by Congress

Congress will hereby create an Arm America program in which it will supply players with the most effective in game items for leveling themselves up

The current policy is to only level up those players that are under level 21 so we can raise the average level of the eAmerican citizen.

Keeping that in mind, I took some stats on December 29th 2010 of everyone that requested food in IRC under the program Arm American (AA) here at the results:

31 individual requests for food were done during a specific battle that day, all done by these people :

lisan12345 | Level 21 ; Congressman ; Mobile Infantry member

Red Bull HM | Level 26 ; Seal Team 6 member ; 5 time Battle hero among other things

dylan of the darkness | Level 23 ; Seal Team 6 member ; 2x Hard Worker

Bob Dupuis | Level 25 ; Seal Team 6 member ; 7x Hard worker

Wolfgang Pearsall | Level 25 ; Seal Team 6 member ; 15x hard worker

Justin McCravok | Level 26 ; Seal Team 6 member ; 5x congreeman

Hugo_John | Level 23 ; 9x Hard worker

navincharles | Level 26 ; Seal Team 6 member ; 17x Hard Worker

P-14 Headhunter | Level 24 ; Seal Team 6 member ; 12x Hard Worker

Vladimir Alexei | Level 26 ; Seal Team 6 member ; tons of awards.

So, to sum it up :

Number of ppl under the rank of 21 : 0
Number of ppl in Seal Team 6 : 8
Others : 2

The evidence proved is clear and indisputable, that AA is not fulfilling its goal. Furthermore, the evidence would suggest that it is serving as little more than a secondary avenue for Seal Team 6 and perhaps other militia to receive free food.

Being that not one single sub level 21 person was supplied during that battle I submit that the program is not fulfilling its goal.

AA is not supposed to be another supply depot for Seal Team 6 or any other militia. It should and must only be used for the purpose of getting otherwise inactive people interacted with the game. It should be used as a tool to push people towards the military (TC) or militias. AA is for retention, ST6 doesnt have a retention problem. Supplies must only be given to those under level 21 and not part of any military or organized fighting force (militias).

AAs focus should be SOLELY on helping sub 21 ranked players level up and push those players into the military or a militia. The military and militia are more than capable of handling the battles that are going on day in and day out. AA needs to be more about increasing sub 21 players levels of strength, activity, and involvement in the game.

PROBLEM 2 : AA potentially hurting the military as a whole under its current format, especially the Training Corps

What is the incentive for anyone to go into the Training Corps when they now get an unlimited amount of free food a day and being able to make 5-10x the amount of money ?

There is not much with respect to perks. TC cannot compete at all with AA on this level, even though TC is alot more than just free food and weapons.

You dont push someone towards a particular product by offering them an alternative one that seems to be 100 times better deal.

I have a simple suggestion to fix this : Allow all people, including military and militia that are under level 21 to receive supplies from AA and absolutely noone over Level 21 to get any.

This fixes the TC problem completely and stops the abuse by militias.

Thanks for reading,

*DISCLAIMER : This article is NOT meant to bash on ST6 in any way. I am NOT accusing them of breaking any rules, violating any laws, or doing anything unethical, ill moral, or illegal in any way, shape, or manner. I have the highest level of respect for them and each and every member of that organization.