ArjaaAine's Manifesto for President [Early Edition]

Day 737, 09:24 Published in India India by ArjaaAine

Hey Everyone!

First of All congrats on all on putting mafia threat down. Now we all need to work towards the presidential elections. Because of the PTO attempt we need to have the same person running from each party and I hope with this manifesto I can convince Jelly9473 and Wing0, to back me up as the president of the country.
Special thanks to Maverick10 Dodge Knight for meticulously working and planning everything in the Congress Elections. Hats off to you Buddy!!

I announced my intention to run for presidency 2 weeks ago in the forums. Now I am bringing out the official newspaper article out of it.
The Manifesto is divided into two parts:
1) My original Manifesto
2) Additional topics added after discussions

Its an incredibly long post, so Use the index for easy Navigation

~|| Real Life ArjaaAine || eR Life|| Gratitude ||~
~|| Government Structure|| Ministries and Departments||~
~||My Policies||~

A bit about me in Real-Life:
My Real Name is Rohan Jain. I am a RL Indian living in USA for my studies. Doing B.Sc in Computer and Electrical Engineering, I am graduating in a few months. Man! I can't wait. I hail from a town in Haryana called Hisar, just recently found out that vigi12 hails from the same place. lol..
My passion is Computer gaming, Reading, Formula 1, Cricket, Movies, Programming and my Beautiful Girlfriend.
I just turned 21 last month and am yet to taste my first drop of alcohol, lol. I work as a tutor and as a salesperson part-time to pay for my college and am hoping to work for NASA/JPL when I graduate.

My eLife
I started playing erepublik in December last year. Have only missed a few days of training/working ever since. My erepublik story has been covered by a lot of you young reporters, but here I am going to talk about it as my personal experience. About the people I met and how they changed me.
I started in eUSA and was pretty much a two clicker for the most part. My interest started to swell when one of my employers BHHC pmed me about raising my wellness and gifted me till I was like 70 WP from 25 or 26. I had joined a Q3 company at skill 2 and was buying Q1 food and wasting my money buying Q3 weapons and Q5 gifts. I didn't know ANYTHING. I spent all my gold from level ups and medals. I used to bombard BHHC with stupid questions which I could have easily wikied, but who wants to do that extra effort. He was patient and answered everything. After 15-20 days into my eLife, I read an article about eIndia needing help. I instantly moved to eIndia and Apologized to BHHC.. he gifted me 10 WP everyday for a week(even though I was a skill 2-3 employee). That is what we call a level headed businessman who hasn't forgotten his roots. To day I don't know his citizen name.. I hope to find that out soon 🙂

After I came to eIndia, I have never left her for more than a few days. Always been there for her in her good times or bad.

I am going stray away from history of eIndia and talk about my history in eIndia.
I came in as an overactive noob... spamming the forums and acting all high and mighty.
I started buying gold boxes to start companies. I did badly, my list of mistakes is endless and I probably lost over 100-200gold in the process. I had no-one to really teach me how to run companies and it made me all kinds of stupid mistakes before I learned the right thing. Though I lost a lot of gold, the experience and knowledge was invaluable. I am not the economic tycoon you guys take me as. I still do stupid mistakes and I learn everyday. I am no better than any of you guys out there. I just got lucky and I had some real life cash to fund me in the beginning. I can bet, anyone of you right now if they get what I had to began with. You guys would be owning 1000s of gold worth properties in a few months.

There were many people who influenced me in eIndia.
dionysus:- The greatest businessman in eIndia I had met till David. A smart guy and one of the best people to talk to. The First guy who trusted me and saw a potential in me.
Anjan Sarkar:- He was the first one who entrusted me with anything of any value in eIndia, he trusted me with the MoF which I failed because of my inactivity. He is eDead now, and probably studying in IIT, but I hope he is doing good. He truly worked towards uniting the eIndians and his hard work and dedication was invaluable.
David Forde:- Do I even need to say anything about this Dude? lol. I call him the greatest eIndian to date. He has probably done more for eIndia than all the others combined. Singlehandedly through his shrewd negotiation skills he got us the 9 original regions from eIndonesia. He devoted so much gold to help eIndia through the PTO event, Most of you haven't seen that much in your eLife. He thought me the importance of Higher Q companies and bore with me through my laziness in our venture. He was rightfully the first person in eIndia to give India their very own Q5 company. The best president/economist/politician I know.
Maverick10:- Again a man who needs no introduction. He was the backbone of eIndian government for the past two months. The true Samaritan. He worked without craving for recognition. Devoted 100s of hours every week ensuring "The eIndian Dream" lives on. He was the prime factor in our activity and our internal strength. Without him I can't even imagine where eIndia would have fallen. A man wrongfully banned, and whose return the whole of eIndia waited for. He achieved more for eIndia in his short 4-5 months life, Than 10 ArjaaAines would have achieved in their 1 yr of existence. He was the one responsible for waking me up from my slumber lol.
JackJack:- The Guy who Opened my eyes. I was awake but still hazy, but JackJack was the one who made see things like I hadn't seen before. One of my closest friends in eIndia right now. It was funny how I thought of him as a rude kid when I first started talking to him but later saw the knowledge in his words.
A smart businessman and a good guy. I wouldn't have had the guts to run here, if I hadn't been inspired by his words/actions.

Although these are not everyone I know and am grateful too. Each of them marked a new phase for me in eRepublik and that's why deserve special mention. All others have influenced me tremendously: Navincharles, Nikkk S, Rahul K, fordp82, Dragons007, Ugoraffale, BroodRoosterNL, Hs1975, Jelly9473, Ashwamedh, Aryabhatt, Vigi12, Srachit, Nagaprathyush, wing0, Gendun, and many others. If I didn't put your name down, I am sorry I must have overlooked you. If You feel you deserve a mention here, Then you definitely do, I just was stupid enough to forget you. So please don't hold it against me.

Government Structure:

I have been working on it for the past 2-3 weeks, and it has taken a lot of time and hard work.
The following is going to be the government structure during my term:


V-Prez = Vice President
PM = Prime Minister
SCOI = Supreme Court of eIndia
CBI = Central Bureau of Investigation
MoX = Ministry of Expansion
MoEA = Ministry of External Affairs
MoHA = Ministry of Home Affairs
MoD = Ministry of Defense
MoF = Ministry of Finance
IAF = Indian Armed Forces
NPF = National Police Forces
TnCA = Trade and Commerce Affairs
BnEA = Budget and Economic Affairs

This may seem a bit unorthodox to everyone. But I have worked and simulated a lot of scenarios and I believe this Webbed approach will help us get things done and fast.
Now I will try to explain my thinking and my idea behind all this.

President: The Office of President will be the supreme office in eIndia. Everything else will be under direct or indirect control of him.

Secretary: Secretary would be the government's voice to the people. His sole duty would be to edit and publish all the discussions happening in the government. He would be responsible for making eIndia a more vibrant and transparent place. He will be the person who learns the Most in the government and would be the face of the government.

Prime Minister: He will be second only to the President and would be in charge of all the Internal affairs of eIndia as a country. The SCOI will be in direct touch with President and the Prime Minister.
The PM would look over the operations of MoHAand MoF.
His main focus in the game would be to ensure that India is strong internally. Public's needs are met and our economy flourishes.

Vice President: He too will be second only to the president and his duties would involve everything to do with eIndia's foreign affairs. CBI will be in direct touch with President and Vice President.
The VP would look over the operations of MoEA and MoD
His main focus in the game would be ensuring eIndia's safety. He would have to assert eIndia's neutrality and make sure nothing endangers our principal. He would have to ensure our army is well trained and organized.

SCOI: SCOI will be compromising of the most elite and respected of eIndians. Their duty will be to overlook operations of FCOI, and act as the judiciary branch of the Nation. Any conflicts/Arguments arising in the country would be SCOI responsibility. They have to ensure that internal conflict is kept internal. They would also act as an advisory group to the president and advice him in case they find faults in his actions/policies.

CBI: CBI's duties will be to monitor the world. They have to keep their eyes open and alert and inform eIndia's president in case of any impending threat.

MoX: MoX will be the sole carrier of eIndia's strength, their success will determine where eIndia stands in the future. Their duties will be to get AS MANY registrations as possible. Plus ensuring the emigration is less than immigration.

MoEA It is the same as MoFA, but I am remaning it since in RL Indian foreign Affairs are called External Affairs.
MoEA will ensure our diplomatic relations are maintained, This ministry will be headed by 2 people since it is of utmost importance that Ministry works flawlessly. The Ministry would be responsible for hiring Ambassadors to other nations. They will have to work to make sure in case of any impending threat, we can ensure MPPs.

MoHA It is the same as MoIA, but renamed for the same reason.
MoHA has to ensure that all our citizens are happy and their Morales are high. They will be responsible for converting the registration to active play. They will be responsible for eIndia's health(Wellness) and Also ensuring that during congress elections PP are supplied with enough tickets.
Their will be a three branches under MoHA now -

Citizen Mentor Program - Ensuring that older more experienced eIndians work together in ensuring the new people have sufficient knowledge base and interest in staying in eIndia.
Indian Forum Administration - Forums are the most important part of the game. The game won't be fun without forums. This group of individuals would work on simplifying yet increasing the utility/usablity of the eIndian forums. They would ensure that forums are clean and newbies are granted immediate access.
Indian Wiki committee -eIndian wiki was the talk of the town earlier because of Srachit. I want to relive that. Wiki is the portal of all knowledge and we need it to be updated. Srachit will work with a group of people to bringing the wiki back to its zenith.

Mo😨 The survival of eIndia depends on the efficiency of this ministry. The MoD will be the eIndia's answer to any external threats. PTOs or Wars.
They will train a strong and efficient Army and ensure that soldiers are ready if and ever they are needed.
MoD will Lea😛

1) IAF:- Indian Armed Forces, the Army of eIndia.
2) NPF:- They will make sure eIndian citizens are ethical and the immigrating citizens possess no threat to the nation.

MoF: The Carrier of the Indian economy. The ministry has to ensure that all vital goods are available in the markets. The company owners make profit while not sacrificing the wages of a common citizen. They have to ensure the MM is kept in check and also work towards maintaining a flushing treasury.
MoF will Lea😛
1) TCA: Trade and Commerce Affairs will be working to ensure the licenses and Import taxes in eIndia are to our best advantage. They will contact RM providers in case there are none and work towards our companies buying licenses to other nations.
2) BEA: Budget and Economic Affairs main work would be to draft an asset evaluation and Budget of eIndia. They will in charge of distributing funds to every other ministry. They will work to keep our job market appropriate and also make sure our prices are healthy.

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My point of thinking: This is an exhaustive government structures with powers divided on many different levels but no department less important than others. It may seem that some departments got more mention and are more work. But I assure you it is not so.
This mode of government would only work with good support. A few people won't be able to handle the amount of information and processing needed here. I hope if I am selected as official candidate I will get support from all of you in running here 🙂.

I feel that their are too few people running the government and hence either wen orders are sent, it takes too long to process or executive decisions are made. I am going to try to make every department autonomous and the president will be a guiding source rather than a dictating one.
Foreign Policy
Economic Policy
Military Policy
Internal Policy
Other Policy

My Platform:

1) Foreign Policy:
Foreign Policy is probably going to be my weakest attribute in all, since that's one aspect of eRep I haven't explored yet. And that's why I hope people like David,Sumit and Ash will help sort this out.

Neutrality: I believe in neutrality, it worked for RL India. It has been working for us and I don't want to change it. This is a great asset eIndia has and I will work my best to assure eIndia stays neutral during my term. I will work on extending the great work done by current and previous MoFA in extending a friendly hand to everyone out there.
Iran: Though we have had our tensions against Iran I am sure we can be friends and everything can be settled between the two Asian Nations. "Love thy neighbor". I am going to personally make sure that Iranian needs and Indians needs are met without anyone over compromising. The best way I see this is by making a mutual deal relating to economy and military help.
India Whole:I am going to work diplomatically with Iran to get our regions back and respect eIndonesia's need to attain to our regions till an alternative solution is attained.
Training Wars: I am still thinking on this and have to find a solution to this, but as of right now I have nothing to say for this.

2) Economic Policy:
Even though I am not the Economic tycoon you guys assume me to be. I still am probably the biggest businessman in eIndia and my past stint as the MoF has taught me many valuable lessons. I am going to be working hard and my policies here would be quite explanatory and thoughtful.

Gold Outflow: This is a serious issue, and I am going to work to generate exports in eIndia and make eIndia attain sustainability so that our gold income+inflow is much greater than gold outflow.
For this I am going to encourage our industry owners to regularly price theirs goods at world's cheapest and ensure that the MM value is maintained to help the Sellers.
I am going to work with a few businessmen to develop High Q RM companies outside eIndia with direct export to eIndia, so we can ensure the resources are maintained, plus by offering half resources in native country, we can work towards ensuring all the INR earned comes to eIndia as INR without being converted to gold.
Another Idea that I have is Asking every medal earner to donate their medal for an equal value in gold INR. This way we can target more than 500g created every month in form of Hard Worker and Super Soldier medals.
Government Companies: I am against public sector industries. I believe government should only operate companies which others can't. Like Hospital/DS. And specifically in eIndia's Case Iron. Though my personal objective is to find a better solution for Iron than Medium region Iron Companies.
The government Business Structure would involve one company in each sector:
RM, Manu, Construction. This is to ensure that all workers have jobs and there are skill 0 jobs available. Besides that Weapon companies will be operated and maintained. Though After I know more details about how many companies we own, I will ensure that Government Companies don't encroach over other companies.
I will work on creating an effective structure of Some government companies abroad to earn us valuable profits in gold. This is tentative and will all depends on the funds available.
Raw Material Shortage:- I was the one who talked to a friend to get cheapest Wood for eIndia( IBG housing), I am in talks with another friend to bring more wood. I will do the same for eIndia, contact RM sellers to buy licenses to eIndia.
This though will cause gold outflow. Will earn us gold in Licenses and ensure steady supply of RM to eIndian Companies.
Over Looked Sectors(Tickets,Gifts):- Moving Tickets and Gifts are the two manufacturing sectors which are overlooked, because of lack of utility and demand. I though will work on bringing the two sectors alive.
One initiative will be through cheaper raw materials bringing the gift prices down to 1.2-1.3 INR.
This will make gifting compete with Food industry as an alternative to gaining wellness. Also with Training Wars iffy, Gift sector might play a bigger role in future.
Though my earlier initiative is to bring Gift prices down. I will work towards clearing the food sector. By encouraging the Food companies to collaborate/Sell their companies and giving them alternatives such as IBG to invest their money.
Moving tickets industry is only used much during congress elections and by AHF. I still have to find an alternative use for them.
Wages:- My Ideal wage system would be when a worker is able to earn enough INR to buy him 1 Q food higher than his company level. And also be able to fight at least 1 battle a day.
Knowing this, I know the relationship between wages and prices. Prices go down with Wages. Currently Indian Wages are one of the lowest in the world, still our products are not.
So I am going to keep the wage structure at Skill*2 for a Q1 company, and employ a team of economic advisers to educate the masses (company owners and workers) about wellness. I want eIndian health to be over 80 WP. Then once the wellness rises, our productivity will increase and we will be able to offer cheaper products and hence increase our nations riches.
Tax Policy: My Tax policy is simple: Minimum VAT and Maximum Income Tax. I am going to work towards 1% VAT and 10-15% Income Tax in all our sectors. This in my opinion is going to benefit us a nation by offering cheaper products and ensuring that the nations coffers don't dry up.
My Goal Here: Earn 500-750 INR daily in the treasury.

3) Military Policy:
I am a firm believer in economic prowess of a country supersedes everything else. Especially when it comes to a country as small as us. Because of the erepublik way, a small country is nothing without MPPs. From my talks it might also that I don't care about Military. But I very well DO. I am one of the strongest fighters in eIndia and the only eIndian to date with 3 Battle Hero medals, two of which came in one day.
I did over 12,000 damage in the fight for North India. I maintained an operated Extensive records during the Battle league to aid in formation of the best team strategy. I also created a team strategy which maximized our teams Damage/Gold ratio. Even though Z-Force had the lowest total strength, our maximized efficiency made us as strong as the other teams in basic damage.

1) Military structure: I have expressed my disappointment in the current military structure. But I also understand the amount of hard work put into it. Though I am skeptical that this would work. I am going to give it a try and let it run and see how things go.
2) Military Training: If Training wars happen, all the eIndian Army would be asked to compete one day out of week with extreme Berserk fighting. This would help judge our army's readiness and their ability to follow orders.
I will try and talk to the MoD to see if we can generalize my order form and distribute more regular orders in the form I have above. This way we can train our army on how to maximize their fights and also follow orders promptly. In the league, Rahul k, Nikkk S and Zibiah followed the orders and learning about 100 WP fighting. I plan to train the whole army on this model. Because No-One really understands the Benefit of 100 WP fighting.
3) Military news: IAF Newspaper will be the strongest tool in the army. It will publish daily reports for orders. It will also be our recruiting tool, giving information and advising everyone how to join the eIndian Army and become a force to reckon with. Army People will be encouraged to visit the army section of the forums and talk about the military issues around the world and learn about the strategies and think of alternative courses of actions.
4) Military Self Sufficiency: This will be one of the most vital issues during my term. Making our Army Self Sufficient. This will be done via the idea introduced by David. Indian Army will use Soldiers to work in Weapons Companies. The weapons produced will be weekly distributed to the soldiers to use for the next week's fights. This way all soldiers will be able to get weapons at the basic CP. (Their wages will be 1). This will supply only for the weapons. But For extreme purposed, the MoD will be assigned a Budget where his duty will be to maximize that budget by making profits. A FCOI member will assigned to the MoD to assist him in the task. I am still working on more ideas to make the MoD self sufficient.
NPF Duties: I like the idea of NPF and its duties will be added on. Not only do they watch out for citizenships/Multies, now NPF will have a duty in making sure that citizens/congress/Ministers are doing their specific duties.
Citizens would be asked not to buy goods available in the market through BM. Congress Members would be asked to follow congress rules and the 5g Donation. Ministers would be targeted on their activity and Results.
NPF would employ the role of a Real Police force which will ensure the working of the country are ethical.
Military in elections: I was thinking, not sure if its a good idea or not. But military personnel will be used as a PTO avoiding force. All Army and NPF will only vote in elections as per the MoD directive. They will not disobey the orders. This will serve as a way to organize masses against PTOs.

4) Internal Policy:
I have lots of plans to work on the internal workings of eIndia.
The country needs to be strengthened from inside before we can worry about external issues. In the past few months maverick10 has led a great organization campaign with many people helping him. I want to continue on that.

CM program: MY target is to make the CM autonomous so the CM head doesn't have to do so much work. As was discussed in the CM meeting, a new org and a common document will be created so all CMs can gift and add details about their citizens. I will encourage the new citizens to become mentors and guide the incoming people on various issues that they themselves faced when they were new.
IFA:- Forums are the most important part of our community and they won't be ignored anymore. I am going to employ a team of administrators and moderators (Current ones are already good). And arm them with enough authority to change the forums as per the needs of the people. Our forums will also become more dynamic without loosing its simplicity. I want to introduce a gaming section to the forums. Have already brought it up with the other admins/Mods. I want citizens to have fun while they are bored 🙂. Plus I am going to personally talk to the new people and get opinions on how to simplify our forums.
Wiki Committee:- I am going to ask Srachit to head the committee and bring back Indian Wiki. I am going to work with him and we will bring every citizen into this to create a good database for eIndia and eIndians.
SCOI:- It is one of the brightest ideas and SCOI will function as it will. If I do run for president, I will withdraw myself from there and would ask the SCOI to add maverick10 to the SCOI. True he is not as old as the others, but he has done more and accomplished more than most of us. I would recommend giving maverick my SCOI Bank 1, but the decision rests with SCOI.
eIndian Constitution:- It was initiated by maverick and ugo, and I will work on finishing it by the time my term ends. I said I have ideas for constitution and it involves around my platform. So, I would like for the Constitution committee to use my platform to give directions to the constitution(If I am selected).
Indian Media:-I am dissolving media from being a ministry to just being one of the sub-groups of MoHA. I don't think there's enough work there nor a need for a whole ministry to be dedicated for it.
Beyond that I am going to encourage more people to read news. (I am also including Srachit's Govt orders script in It).
I will integrate our media with our forums, so we have a mutual relationship between both. I believe using both forums and Media together, we can educate our masses well.

5) Other Policies:
These are policies which do not explicitly fall under any ministry, but still deserve my attention:

AHF:AHF has done a lot for India and there existence has given eIndia a name in the world. I am thoroughly in favor of what AHF is doing. There mercenary work is doing loads of good to our strength and image. But I also believe we need to isolate AHF from the government. Even right now, the government is highly influenced by AHF leaders. I want the AHF to be AHF and eIndia to government. AHF personnel will be applauded but will be kept away from eIndian cabinet/congress/military, as this could cause conflict of ideas and tensions with other nations. Government will support AHF in their domestic policies if needed, but will stay away from any direct involvement with AHF.
Internal Politics:There has been a lot of internal politics and hostility inside our own community. I am also guilty for being a part of it.
My policy as the president would be discourage any heated arguments swiftly/ I will ask the SCOI to play a bigger role in mending issues between individuals.
Also I have a humble request to everyone to stop saying: "He is doing this for popularity/power/recognition". EVERYONE among us here wants power/recognition in some way or another. Some people want it more than others and some people go for it more aggressively than others. But everyone wants to get power in one way or another.
I want for people to stop thinking of Newbies as stupid and give them the same respect you would give David or Maverick. Everyone of us is as important as the other person. No One is over anyone else or below.
Presidential Facial Time: We have had this issue for the longest time. The president is never available enough. I am going to change it. I am going to introduce : "Chai with 'The Bhai'". The Bhai refers to the president. 3 times a week the President will be available online in the IRC for 2-3 hours, just to talk with the citizens and answer their queries. I want people to consider the president as a friend and an almighty being. I am going to have meetings with each dept. At least once a week where the departments are going to relay there work done and what r they going to do for the next week.
I am personally going to publish news articles as much as I can to update the country and say Hi to them 🙂
Wages for the True Hard Workers: The real hard-workers in the country is the cabinet. So I am introducing a wage structure for them. Hopefully this will get us more work done and faster. The wages will be predetermined, and bonuses will be provided for achieving the goals. Everyone but the president will earn a wage.
Wage Structure will be determined later, once I get a hold of total budget. But wages will be weekly and would probably range in like 0.8-1.2g a week or so. (Paid in INR of course).
I am also going to introduce wages for congress members, but only if they show activity during their term. If the congress members is active and follows rule for his term period. He will be given 1g/5g he donated back. (I had planned to return all of 5g earlier, but with the new MPP module we need the extra income).
Gold gathering: We are going to employ a few people whose jobs would be to earn gold from offers for the government. These will be the truly dedicated who will work hard to earn free gold from offers but donate it all to the government. They will be given special dedication and will be hailed as leaders unlike others. This should be able to get us a cool 50-100g easily a month.
Advertising and Party Money: Since Party money can only be used for advertising, I would encourage all government advertising be borne by the three parties as this will save the government lot of Money.

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"History is bad motorist, it rarely ever signals its intentions when making a turn.
THIS IS that rarely ever moment, History is turning a page."
Are you gonna be part of it? in eIndia and RL India.
________________________________________ _____________________________
1) I spend a lot of time on erepublik.
2) I am one of the oldest citizens in eIndia.
3) I have got extensive experience in Business and Military, So I can understand both sectors.
4) I wasn't like this before, but recent events in my RL has made me realize the importance of viewing both the arguments. Be the bad cop and the good cop at the same time. I believe I have a good ability to see where the argument is coming and have enough integrity to make sure my response is not judgmental.

1) I tend not to finish what I start:
Am I still doing this? Yes, to some extent yes.
Am I working on improving it? By All Means YES.
Will it hinder my Presidency? Yes, but only if I don't fix it, which I am going to.

2) I run by my emotions:
Is it really a weakness? Its debatable, I think it is.
How is it going to affect the Presidency? I make my decisions with heart and not brain. That has served me well so far, but that's why I have a team to help me steer in right direction If I go haywire.
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I hope this exhaustive Platform will cover all I am going to do in eIndia. I will do everything in my power to fulfill my plans and I am going to take the time from today till the elections to learn more about presidency and make sure my inexperience at the office is not a hurdle.

I hope your time spent on reading this massive topic was well worth. Please comment and ask questions. If I have missed any policy to cover, please tell me so.It took me about 2 weeks to write this, so will appreciate your time and effort in reading this.
