Argh, the Pirate Party will stay strong!

Day 782, 23:46 Published in Australia Australia by Greenlamp

In a few days time, the National Pirate party will be under threat from invasion, "ARGH! Not good!" I hear you say?
I agree, it's grave news, but we pirates will hold fast, and take down this opposition that faces us.
White (Laughter) Beard, a power hunger captain wishes, to duel my elected future Pirate captain to the death.
There is plenty of booty to have, and most likely, it will not be used in the way us fine pirates wish it to be used in. Therefore, it is necessary that all you land lubbers and pirate swashbucklers vote for Sir. Terrifico as National Pirate Party captain (President)!

So join up in the Pirate crew, and vote for Sir. Terrifico, for Party Captain, and we shall the party will remain on course on the seven political sea's!
For the National Pirate Party!!

Argh, don't forget to vote and subscribe!

And remember lads, the Forums and the vast sea of chat in eAustralia's IRC is awaiting your visit!