Argentina through my eyes

Day 741, 15:34 Published in Croatia Greece by Kotanos7


For some time, the topic nr. one in polish media (ew. newspapers) is "Peru" and the decisions which were taken...were changed for this few times. This topic was told for many times, so we won't write so much about that.

Today we want you to take under consideration the behavior of Argentina, which we could hear that they are "one step in EDEN". So just look to other part of the article, to see what our "allies" make.

MoD of the Argentina (Mr. T) gets donation from Serbia of worth 80 gold (donate 3 days ago). Do you remember what happened then? Really big fight of Croatia. He could tank and make the falling of the wall down in Slavonia.

So if MoD tanks by Peace side, so guess what the Argentina's army makes then (country which tries to be in EDEN). I hope that this short presentation will clear it:
EVERYONE is in BRAZIL. So, when their ally needs really help, they can calmly fight and get helpless PERU. They have shown really heroic attitude. "true friends meet in poverty" - don't need any comment. One part of Argentinians were busy with helping Indonesia in fighting in Malesia (EDEN's training region).

It's enough about Argentina's army. Let's talk about society. Look in this picture: Let's compare dmg made in Slavonia. Argentinians made 35k against Croatia. Citizens of Peru in same time made 185k by Croatia's side, so it is more than e.g Greece. But it just Peru was totally ignored by EDEN when they asked for MPP, while Argentina was greeted with "opened hands". They even got HIGH IRON when they even weren't EDEN's member. Sounds absurdly but unfortunately it's true.

When we were fighting in GA, Argentina's government, to won't lose battle, funded full tanking to PEACE's tanks. Exactly from this org: What made today, just few minutes ago? I think that donating 80g to such players as BattalGazi or zocky (HUN ELIT UNIT member), which are now in Argentina, will make no doubt.

Peru or Argentina, decide on your own responsibility. Those, which are by heart with us, I invite to fight in GA(red button)

polish groups involved in Peru