Argentina, the new Greece?

Day 3,078, 08:05 Published in USA USA by DONALD J. TRUMP

Argentina, the new Greece?

Years ago when Asteria was created, Greece became a divided community. This situation caused serious headaches to the members of the Alliance. Greece was the fractious country without a clear direction, the government took a road while part of the community took another way. Turkey should be left behind, but some Greeks still vowing eternal love to the Turks.

Greece became a country indecipherable, the worst partner anyone could expect. It was difficult to estimate the share of damage that supported Asteria and the share of damage that sabotaged Asteria.

Today there is a similar problem with Argentine and the entry of this country to PACIFICA.

A VISA Dictatorship crushed most of citizenship and forced the community to takes roads that did not want. The money was decisive in the outcome. The coup leaders had to pay mercenaries, Turks, Chileans, Spaniards and others, to ensure the victory in the campaign with a score of 94-44.

The community is clearly divided because the country changed totally the foreign policy without endorsement of the majority. In this case, Romania should be left behind, but some Argentines have sworn eternal love to Romanians.

But in this case, the situation is even more dangerous. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Argentina, in his latest publication said that Hungary was planted by Asteria in PACIFICA to prevent the entry of Argentine, implying that Hungary will eventually leave the Alliance by failing to fulfill their missions. U.S.A. should be careful with the paranoia of Argentina Dictatorship who sees ghosts everywhere and sees moves that do not exist.

Argentine’s membership is not suitable for any alliance at this time because it guarantees have against Chile, Bulgaria and Fyrom. Eventually these countries will join forces with the remains of Asteria and everything will become unbalanced. The true hate of Chile to Argentina is able to overcome any current hostility and Chilean diplomacy is very cunning.

I believe that a broken Argentine is a country of second category, because a broken Argentine has poor damage, Argentine is no longer so great that it used to be. Even his current diplomacy is ranked globally as unreliable, unintelligent, impulsive, without clear ideas.

When other countries begin to align with different alliances, we will see how Argentina be debated in a profound internal war, with revolutions and coups every month. His foreign policy will overturns all the time. Even if dictatorship managed to prevail with the money, the damage from Argentina will go in different directions. For PACIFICA, this country will be a big problem.

YES to a united Argentina !
NO to a broken Argentina !