Are we just another GREAT GATSBY? Or are we something more?

Day 2,041, 18:22 Published in USA USA by The Mike
Dear Care Bear,

Before actually beginning my article, which has nothing to do with this,
please make sure to vote for me and WTP tomorrow, provided we have elections 🙂

It was recently that I watched "The Great Gatsby" movie, featuring Leo Di Caprio. Did any of you watch it? I can say it was awesome, but thousands of you can reply how $#17 it's been and not worth the £8 (students discount FTW). But in the end of the day this is just a humble movie, questioning the American Dream and not looking for fame or whatever.

The beginning on the other hand is quite on the contrary. A world of rich men and women is revealed. A world of big parties, beautiful women and fast cars. A world every child would have dreamt of. The character of Jay Gatsby isn't presented to us before the others. First, the environment and the whole picture become clear, so that our full attention and curiosity focus on this one of a kind man.

He had one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, that you may come across four or five times in life.

Gastby is no high born. But he's been born to be high born. He escapes from home in his early age and because of the imaginary world he builds around himself and his faith in it, he succeeds. The end justifies the means. They say. Well, not in this case.

It was when curiosity about Gatsby was at its highest that the lights in his house failed to go on one Saturday night - and, as obscurely as it began, his career as Trimalchio was over."

The beginning of the end of Gatsby is marked by a woman (of course). A woman so beautiful and innocent, a "king's daughter"; A woman worth fighting for. But is this so? Just as it is for Gatsby, as much as we discover for Daisy, as much we get to know her, her glory starts to fall. Her actions, or even lack of, build up to the image of a blonde, expensive, dirty, little b1tch. Her cynicalness plays a major role in the plot. Out of the four main characters, she is the only one who has actually been born in a rich family: her husband is a former polo player; her cousin has to work hard everyday on Wall Street; her beloved Gatsby is a true Trimalchio. She is the only one who is not prepared to fight for her will and for her best. She decides to cave instead to stand up against the man who has been cheating on her and using her wealth and family name.

The moment she refuses to admit her love to Gatsby in front of her husband, Gatsby loses everything. The whole world he has built his wealth upon falls down with a crash. He is not the Gatsby that has been introduced to us in the beginning. He is not that confident, cheerful, young man anymore. Totally the opposite. Gatsby is now on the edge of falling apart, he loses his mind and most of all, he is in a cage of that world that collapsed on top of him.

"It occurred to me that there was no difference between men, in intelligence or race, so profound as the difference between the sick and the well."

They were careless people, Tom and Daisy - they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made...

Gatsby is so sick that this will ruin him. Maybe he realises what has happened, but he cannot accept it. Being a prisoner of his mind for so long has incapacitated him from thinking clearly. He continues to believe when all hope is lost. But this time in vain. It won't be Daisy calling on the phone the moment before his murderer would pull the trigger, but him believing it was her conduces to the cynicalness of the story.

This whole plot could have been prevented in many ways. But it wasn't.

I would try to summarise the whole picture. Everybody aspires themselves to wealth and wellbeing. When you arrive at that point, you forget where you've started from. You lose yourself. It's hard to let it go and in this way you top yourself in the end. Not necessarily literally. You have dived so deep that you cannot know and see and find the surface.

But I am not telling you this simply because The Great Gatsby is a great book and movies. I am telling you this, because I like to think. For the sake of the thinking.

And now I think that we've dove so much into the Unity thingy that we may have lost ourselves. We are so much into fighting the AFA, that we kind of don't even seem to care that we might not have congress this month (A country will have a congress election if they have at least a region on every month on 23rd 02:00 and 25th 00:00 and 26th 06:00). We used to have one of the best armies on the New World, but now the USAF barely makes organised strikes and on top of that the most active officers are in the USAIM.. I do believe we still have a top quality diplomacy (Secretary of State), but nevertheless our alliance ended up not helping us against our enemies and losing against those without even reacting. We are one of the biggest eCountries, but barely have any flow of new players. Am I missing any indicator for a country's performance?

We are in deep $#17, America, and it doesn't really matter whose fault it is. The question is, if this cynicalness will finish us off, or we'll play in a team to build it up again.

Now we know who our friends are. Now we know we can unite. Now we know we can. But will we?

Here comes the place, where I should propose something. This is the place, where I expect people might disagree with me. So, I'll try to keep it short and simple (KISS 😘): the confidence in the executive has dropped significantly and I am to believe this decentralisation has weaken us a lot. I will fail to put the blame on anybody simply because I lack the political experience to do it as objectively as my standards demand it. Therefore, I'd like to lobby for support, but not in terms of cheering, but in terms of activity, awareness and transparency. Provided the individual bothers to ask what is going on and wills to help and work towards improving the situation, eUSA will be a good place to be once again.

I believe that the power is not in the executive, but in the individual.
The faith of America is in your hands, dear reader 🙂

I hope I did not bore you too much and I'd enjoy comments on the movie as well!

The Mike (surprisingly) signing off.